From Ariel & Shayla:
About a year ago, God started stirring our hearts to seek Him more for divine healing here in Israel.
I've been intensely studying the hundreds of Scriptures related to healing, reading several books about it, and watching dozens of testimonies of people healed and of those being used by God to heal others on the streets.
By God's grace, during that time we've seen and heard of several healings, especially through ministries of the congregation. But we've also been praying intensely for Yeshua to use us and others to heal people on the streets just like He and His first disciples did.
Then, a couple of months ago, I had a dream that I would pray for someone with a crutch and a significant problem in their leg, that Yeshua would heal them, and it would be a breakthrough in this area. Since then, if I saw anyone with a crutch, they had to hear the Gospel and be prayed for in Yeshua's name! 🙂 Praise God that quite a few people heard the Gospel as a result of this, but I hadn't seen any immediate healings...until a few days ago.
I was on a bus and felt the Holy Spirit leading me to sit next to an older lady and only afterwards noticed she had a crutch. I started a friendly conversation with Sophie, then shared my testimony about how I had crutches after my Achilles heel was torn and was supposed to take months or even years to heal, but after someone prayed for me in Yeshua's name, it was healed and I could instantly run again.
So I offered to pray for her, and she said, "But Yeshua can't heal what I have. The bones in my knee are broken and I have other serious problems, and I already had a surgery that failed and now I have to replace my whole knee."
I explained that Yeshua has healed things that were even worse than that, but then she said, "But people from Chabad [an Orthodox Jewish movement] and many other places have already prayed for me, and nothing worked." I asked her if anyone prayed for her in Yeshua's name, and she said they hadn't. So I said, "So can I pray for you now?" And she agreed.
I asked her if she had pain at that moment, and she said that it was hurting badly right then. Then I prayed in Yeshua's name, and immediately asked her, "Now how do you feel?" She looked at me with total shock in her eyes and said, "Maybe it's just psychological, but I don't feel pain!" I told her, "It's not psychological - Yeshua really heals!
Please pray with us for more healings and miracles in Yeshua's name!