Blessing Israeli Believers April 2017


P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943


April, 2017


What the LORD is doing...


A Special Holiday Note From Co-Founder Dov Schwarz


Dear Blessing Israeli Believers Partners,


Shalom and Happy Pesach (Passover)! This is such a special time not only in Israel, not only amongst the Jewish people worldwide, but for all those who call upon the Name of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus)! After all, He is the Passover Lamb!


John 1:29: The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!


Passover this year begins the evening of April 10 and lasts until the 17th. This time reminds us that the Jewish people were in bondage in Egypt under the heavy hand of the Pharaoh. Then the LORD sent His deliverer Moses who brought the message in Exodus 12: "Let My people go!"


Our Father in heaven also sent His Great Deliverer, Messiah Yeshua as His name means "Jehovah or the LORD saves." The bondage of sin is the worst slavery ever and leads to eternal destruction. Yet Messiah Yeshua calls out and commands Satan to let go of Abba Father's people, Jew and Gentile, all around the world!


He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3

In Exodus 12 the Jewish people were commanded to place the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of their homes. Having done this they would be protected from the final judgment upon Egypt-the death of the firstborn. Death would 'passover' the house with the blood of the Lamb.


Today as we trust in Messiah Jesus the blood of the Lamb is applied to our heart. This means that when we face the judgment in the next life God's wrath will 'passover' the person that has the blood of the Lamb Messiah Yeshua! We now have everlasting life!!!


How are we commanded to keep the Feast of Passover today? The Apostle Paul answers in 1 Corinthians 5. The answer may be a surprise to many as Paul is addressing blatant and over the top wicked sin in the body of Messiah:


1 Corinthians 5:6-8 Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

Here we see the way we keep the Passover in this New Covenant today. We live holy New Covenant unleavened lives of sincerity and truth. "Unleavened" pertains to the bread without yeast that is a picture of the life of Messiah Jesus-unleavened-without sin. Though we cannot live fully sinless until we receive sinless bodies-we can live a life of sincere devotion that reflects the life of the truth of who Messiah Jesus is. He is the way, the truth and the life!


This Passover season, please also remember the Believers in Messiah Yeshua here in Israel as we, by grace, are the light to our Jewish brothers in the Promised Land.


In The Service of The King,


Dov Schwarz

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Watch Therefore Feast of Tabernacles Israel Tour October 2017
Start saving your shekels now!! More details to follow!



Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
Saturdays - 10pm EST/9pm CST,
Mondays 7:30am EST/6:30am CST
CTN-Christian Television Network, available on DISH NETWORK, DIRECT TV, & ROKU.


Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Donations can be made at:
Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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Blessing Israeli Believers February 2017


P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943


February, 2017


What the LORD is doing...


Update from Ariel & Shayla:


Dear Friends,


The Lord is doing marvelous things here! Although there have been so many stories of opportunities to share the Gospel and see Yeshua heal the sick in the past few weeks, here's just one that we especially would appreciate your prayers for:


Natali, who is part of our congregation and the Evangelism Team we've been leading, has been growing a lot in boldness and sharing her faith effectively with her family and others. Her grandparents and mother had heard and become softened to the message of the Gospel over time through her persistent prayers and sharing.

Then recently she mentioned how Yeshua has been healing many sick people over the past few months, and they asked if we could pray for them too. A few days ago Ariel and Natali went to their house and shared the Gospel with her grandparents and mother. At first they still had some reservations, but did still want prayer for healing.

The grandfather has had severe pain in his knees, hip, and chest, but when we prayed in Yeshua's name, his pain went down significantly in every one of those areas, and he was even able to lift up his legs on his own - something he couldn't do before. When we prayed for her mom, she was healed in her back, neck, and head. There was great joy and amazement in their home and we were all saying, "Thank you, Yeshua!" Afterwards, her grandmother and mother decided to pray to receive Yeshua. Praise God! And her grandfather was very open but said he needed to think about it more, and said that he would gladly read the New Testament every week with Natali.
We clearly explained the whole Gospel and strongly emphasized the need for repentance and also the need to truly commit to living for God from now on, and they prayed with that understanding.


We've seen several instances lately where people have made a profession of faith and then there's been an intense spiritual battle over them over the next few weeks. Please join with us in praying that Katya (Natali's mom), Shulamit (her grandmother), and Pavel (her grandfather) will all fully come to Yeshua, be rooted and grounded in God's Word, start fellowshipping regularly with believers, and growing in their faith, and that no weapon formed against them would prosper! And let's pray for anointing for Natali and anyone else who will be involved in follow-up.

Praise our God, who is able to not only save individuals, but even whole households!
Many blessings! Ariel

For I will restore health to you, And heal you of your wounds, says the Lord, 'Because they called you an outcast saying: "this is Zion; No one seeks her."'
Jeremiah 30:17

Update from Beit Tfilah, House of Prayer, Golan Heights:


Hebrew Courses
Being an American, I never understood, or sad to say empathized with immigrants and all the challenges they face, that is until I became an immigrant myself. Language is key to transitioning into any new society, thus we are offing Hebrew Courses for new immigrants.


Blessing Israeli Believers
Through your generous designated gifts we were able to provide beds for a young family of 5 emmigrating from the States. This year winter is very wet and came early and your gift made it possible for them not to have to sleep on the cold tile floor.


"Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren you did it to Me."
Matt. 25:40


Join us in prayer, as we pray to continue to be light and salt in northern Israel in 2017. Praise the LORD for the rain that you see falling into the Sea of Galilee.
Fellow servants, Steve & Irena

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Watch Therefore Feast of Tabernacles Israel Tour October 2017
Start saving your shekels now!! More details to follow!



Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
Saturdays - 10pm EST/9pm CST,
Mondays 7:30am EST/6:30am CST
CTN-Christian Television Network, available on DISH NETWORK, DIRECT TV, & ROKU.


Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Donations can be made at:
Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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Blessing Israeli Believers January 2017


P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943


January, 2017


What the LORD is doing...


A 2017 Vision Note from BIB Co-Founder Dov Schwarz


Dear Blessing Israeli Believers Partners and Friends,


As promised I would like to begin this letter with a note from myself, and John McTernan, as founders of this ministry. We both see 2017 as a potential year of great change, Kingdom opportunity, and shaking. We believe and sense that this is going to be a very special and unique year in Israel and in the Nations. Having said that, we also believe that our vision statement for BIB is going to be very powerful for this New Year:


Blessing Israeli Believers exists to uniquely bless and empower Israeli followers of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) to be the shining light to Israel and the Nations of the world!


In 2017 here are just some of the many Kingdom efforts we are looking forward to being involved in here in the Land:


Gospel Outreach
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. (Isaiah 9:2)


This year our partners are laboring in the harvest field of Messiah Yeshua. There are many different strategies and methods being employed with the goal of reaching as many precious Jews, Muslims, and others with the gospel of Israel's Messiah Yeshua.


Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)


Through teaching, preaching, shepherding (pastoring), praying, counseling, men's Bible studies and groups, and much more we are becoming more mature Israeli Believers by the grace and mercy of Abba Father. Our Israeli Partners' influence in this regard is in Jerusalem, Haifa, the Galilee, and the Golan Heights.


Saving Precious Israeli Babies
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.(Proverbs 31:8)


Our BIB Pro Life work is to come alongside Sandy Shoshani and Israel Pro Life to fund the saving of Israeli babies through Operation Moses and other programs. What an honor to save Israeli Babies from certain death and to see them and their mothers live in the Land of Israel.


Holocaust Survivors
"Comfort, yes, comfort My people!" Says your God. (Isaiah 40:1)


The Holocaust Survivors are aging and passing away so quickly now. We see this ministry, along with the others mentioned today, as an urgent Kingdom matter. Two of our partners are reaching so many of them, not only with physical food, but also with the manna from heaven - Messiah Jesus!


Ministry To The Poor
For it pleased those from Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor among the saints who are in Jerusalem. It pleased them indeed, and they are their debtors. For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in material things. (Romans 15:26-27)


Messiah Yeshua told us the poor would be with us always and that a good part of the stewardship of disciples of Messiah Jesus is to be measured by how we care for the poor. In Romans 15:26, 27 we saw that Paul took offerings from the nations to poor Israeli Believers in Messiah Jesus-this is our example today! Very specifically five of our partners in Jerusalem, Netanya, Haifa, and the Galilee have a very powerful outreach to poor Israeli believers and those 'not yet' believers.


Israel Protection Dog Program
Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked. (Psalm 82:4)


Our first protection dogs are being deployed in Samaria (West Bank) in February. One of them will be on patrol with a village watchman in a Jewish village that borders Ramallah, the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority. There is a constant threat of terrorism there. We have many opportunities and need financial support to deploy more dogs as soon as possible.


Please join with us in prayer and as the Lord leads, even financial support for this important New Year as we shine the light of the gospel here in Israel!

Watch Therefore Feast of Tabernacles Israel Tour October 2017
Start saving your shekels now!! More details to follow!



Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program airs weekly on Saturdays, 10pm EST/9pm CST CTN-Christian Television Network, available on DISH NETWORK, DIRECT TV, & ROKU.

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Donations can be made at:
Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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Blessing Israeli Believers – New Shows


P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943


January, 2017


What the LORD is doing...


Dear Blessing Israeli Believers Partners,
It is such a great opportunity to be part of this generation watching for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior Messiah Jesus!
Here are two new audio messages of Watch Therefore.
These should help us start the New Year off with a BANG!

Strategy of the Jezreel Valley
Blessings for 2017:

Praising King Jesus!
Dov Schwarz
Watch Therefore
PS: Remember-my new weekly TV Program Watch Therefore will be on CTN-Christian Television Network on Direct TV and DISH Network and ROKU beginning Saturday Jan 14 @ 10pm EST/9PM CST and across North America in all time zones.

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Donations can be made at:
Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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Blessing Israeli Believers December 2016


P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943


December, 2016


What the LORD is doing...


A Word From Dov Schwarz, Co-Founder Blessing Israeli Believers:


Can you believe it-it's almost 2017! I would like to give a brief overview of just some of the fruit from 2016 here in Israel. Next month, Lord willing, we will give a brief vision for 2017. This year has been full of ups and downs yet in both we have seen the faithfulness of Messiah Yeshua in the Promised Land.


Our ministry partners have been walking in the faithful grace and mercy of Messiah and experiencing His love and kindness. In the midst of His presence and glory we have seen so many expressions of His love for His people Israel. Here are some of the many Kingdom categories we participated in that we can look back on at 2016 with amazement:

The Gospel


Over 1,000,000 Jewish people have heard the gospel through Ariel Hyde's Facebook video, about the "forbidden chapter" Isaiah 53.


Also, we have heard testimonies of people who have experienced physical healings as Ariel's team was able to pray over Israelis.


All of our partners are involved in personal sharing, one on one, with Jews, Arab, and others from the nations. There have been so many opportunities!


Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things, Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!"

Food Distribution
Brian Slater and the Abundant Bread of Salvation team has been sharing physical bread and the Bread of Life in his soup kitchen and food center. They have witnessed Holocaust survivors praying to receive Yeshua as Lord!


John 6:35
And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.

Pastor Oded Shoshani and Sandy Shoshani - Be'ad Chaim (Israel Pro-Life)
Oded has been feeding the poor saints in Jerusalem with BIB funds while his wife Sandy has been saving babies from abortion and giving hope and comfort to their mothers. Your gifts to Blessing Israeli Believers and BIB Pro-Life have helped tremendously!


Romans 15:26,27
For it pleased those from Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor among the saints who are in Jerusalem. It pleased them indeed, and they are their debtors. For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in material things.


Proverbs 31:8,9
Open your mouth for the speechless,In the cause of all who are appointed to die.Open your mouth, judge righteously,And plead the cause of the poor and needy.

Help With Rent
This year there are three very special ladies, believers in Messiah Jesus, who we were able to help with their rent. They all have unique circumstances for which they needed help to stay in their homes. One is in Jerusalem and two in the Galilee. What a blessing so many of you have been to help them this year!


Galatians 6:10
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Just a Snapshot
We like to keep our monthly updates brief so know this: These things you have read are just a snapshot of so much more we were able to do together in Israel in 2016. This is a small fraction of the work that your gifts have helped to accomplish, the light we were able to shine, and the blessing we could be to Israeli Believers in Messiah Jesus!


I have two more words regarding the partnership of so many of you in 2016-THANK YOU!

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Donations can be made at:
Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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Blessing Israeli Believers Two New Programs Links!


P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943


December, 2016


What the LORD is doing...




These two programs will remind you how powerful our Savior is and that we need to Watch Therefore!


Praising King Jesus and Watching For His Soon Coming In The Clouds!


Here is the link:
Armageddon Pt1 Blessed Watchers


Armageddon Pt2 The Strategy Of Jezreel


Dov Schwarz
Watch Therefore

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Donations can be made at:
Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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Blessing Israeli Believers Two New Programs!


P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943


December, 2016


What the LORD is doing...


Dear Faithful Servants of Messiah Jesus,


Three times this year I have been to a place Messiah Jesus took His disciples in Northern Israel called Caesarea Philippi.


Our Lord Jesus gave me a two part teaching series there called The Son of God Who Is The Son of Man.


Like His message to the disciples then HIS message is just as relevant and powerful for us right now!


Listen Today!

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Donations can be made at:
Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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Blessing Israeli Believers November 2016


P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943


November, 2016


What the LORD is doing...


New Watch Therefore Radio Programs at:

Blessing Israeli Believers Feast of Tabernacles Tour 2016!

So many were blessed as heaven came down over us on our special Israel Tour! The love of our great King Messiah Jesus showered us all along the way. He truly is Emmanuel "God With Us". We travelled across His land from the Dead Sea to Beersheba, to Jerusalem, the Galilee, Mt Carmel, and Joppa/Tel Aviv.


We sang, some danced, heard His word, celebrated, and thankfully even rested a little. This time of year is so rich and full of the glory of our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) and it is worth whatever it takes to come to Israel at this special season. Before moving to Israel, I made sure to visit during Succot (Booths/Tabernacles) whenever I possibly could. I am planning on meeting with the tour company and our guide soon to schedule dates for next year. I encourage everyone reading this letter to prayerfully consider coming next year-LORD willing!

Update from Efraim & Jeannie Goldstein
nov03Shalom! -
!שלום During Succot (Feast of Booths), the greeting is Moadim b'simcha - מועדיםבשמחה (Joy in this season). Succot is a time of worship and joy for the people of Israel according to the Bible (Leviticus 23: 33-44 & Deuteronomy 16:13- 15). It is a time when the people of Israel were instructed to leave the comforts of home and dwell in a booth. It wasn't supposed to be a nice comfortable tent. But rather a rustic shack like farmers had in the middle of fields and orchards to get some shelter while working with crops or livestock.
There is another aspect of Succot that the prophets develop in Scripture. This is in the future during the days of Messiah's rule when the nations of the world would come to Jerusalem to celebrate the festival together with Israel (Zechariah 14:16-17).


Many of us in Israel have already begun the joy of celebrating the festival of Succot with the nations. Here in Western Galilee, believers, Jews and Arabs, join together to worship the Lord at Succot. At our home in Nahariyya, Jeannie and I have enjoyed wonderful fellowship with other believers from surrounding villages and this year was no exception. We had 32 people crammed into our Succah (booth) and this included two Arab families. We had 12 children from the different families enjoying the cakes and festivities.


This season with all the holidays (Rosh Hashanna, Yom Kippur and Succot) was full of opportunities to meet with people in a relaxed atmosphere to share the good news of Yeshua. There have been opportunities to share with family member (ours and friends) at the end of Yom Kippur during the dinner we hosted. Also, as I was out hiking on the Israel Trail people were friendlier and more open to inquiry about the Gospel.

Healing Testimonies from Ariel & Shayla
God is moving in incredible ways in the past few weeks, and we have some exciting news and a new project as well!


First, we've been crying out for God to reveal His love and His power to His people in Israel through healings and miracles, and we've just started seeing a huge increase in that over the past two weeks.


The past two times that we went out to the streets to share the Gospel, we saw at least 15 people healed instantly and completely and several others dramatically improve. Two people had legs that were different lengths, and the legs grew out in front of our eyes as we prayed for them in Yeshua's name! One man was healed of back pain caused by this for 10 years. What a good God we serve!
The people who were healed and many others around them were very open to hearing the Gospel afterwards! One lady whose badly hurting knee was instantly healed, once we started sharing the Gospel, objected, "But I don't really believe in God. I only believe in what I see." I responded, "So how do you explain that Yeshua whom you don't see right now just healed your knee?" She was speechless. What could have turned into a long philosophical argument was cut short because the power and reality of God had already been revealed.

New Evangelistic Project
We've been working with our congregation on launching a new project called "Loving Haifa Unconditionally" to reach out with God's love through servant evangelism. Our first event will be at this festival, where we'll be giving out hot apple cider (non-alcoholic) for free. When people ask, "Why are you giving this for free?" we can say, "Because God loved us unconditionally..." and, Lord-willing, share more about God's love and the Gospel.
We'll also be wearing T-shirts directing people to a newly created Hebrew evangelistic website.
Update: The Sukkot outreach went amazingly well and we have some great testimonies to share very soon.


Thank you so much for your prayers and support! You are truly playing an important role in what God is doing in Israel today, and we're so grateful for you!


Happy holidays, Ariel and Shayla (with Anayah, Amalyah, and Uzziel)

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Donations can be made at:
Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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Blessing Israeli Believers October 2016


P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943


October, 2016


Romans 15: 26-27


What the LORD is doing...


Special High Holidays Edition
by Dov Schwarz Co-Founder, Blessing Israeli Believers


The Fall Feasts Are Here!
What a special month is upon us! The Fall Feasts are here! Often times the Feasts are divided up during the months of September and October but this year they are all in October-Yom Teruah (traditionally called Rosh HaShanah), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Succot (Booths or Tabernacles). Also, these Feasts collectively are called the "Feast of Tabernacles".


These Holy Days fulfill the prophetic cycle of the Feasts or Festivals as they are a picture, type, and shadow of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) and His prophetic work of redemption!


Colossians 2:16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.


Passover shadowed the Passover Lamb of God, Messiah Jesus. Unleavened Bread shadowed His sinlessness and righteousness. First fruits-His resurrection, and Pentecost the baptism and filling of the Holy Spirit-the birth of the one new man in Messiah Jesus! These have been fulfilled, but the Fall Feasts point to that which we watch for--the unfolding fulfillment of the prophetic scenarios that are upon us at any moment!


Yom Teruah is the Day of Blowing Trumpets! Paul told us in 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15 of the trump of the Lord which points to the ''catching away' or 'rapture' of the New Covenant saints. Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement points to the glorious day when according to Zechariah 12:10 all of Israel that survives the tribulation will be saved upon the return of Messiah Jesus to sit on the throne of David-this is when all of Israel will be saved-Romans 11:25. Israel will be cleansed of their sin when they see Messiah Yeshua-Hallelujah!


02Succot-literally "Booths" and also referred to as "Tabernacles" reminds us today of the faithfulness of the LORD to keep Israel in temporary dwellings through the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land. Yet today for His New Covenant people we also see this same faithfulness as we are living in temporary dwellings---these frail and corrupted by sin bodies causing this wilderness creation to travail in sin. When our Lord Jesus returns to sit on the throne of David our New Covenant bodies will no longer have sin! Then our King Messiah Jesus will tabernacle or dwell with us forever and ever! These Feasts are mentioned in Leviticus 23.


An interesting quote from Rabbi Michael Zeitler's book "Why Is Israel Supernatural?" should especially interest our American friends: "The famous Thanksgiving dinner that the pilgrims shared with the natives was actually a Feast of Tabernacles, or Succoth, that was held on October 6, 1621-not in the month of November. The Pilgrims celebrated all the Feasts of Israel!"

Blessing Israeli Believers Feast of Tabernacles Tour


03Our first BIB Israel Tour is during this special season and during Succot, which is the most crowded time of the year in Israel. Religious Jews from all over the world come according to the Old Testament and Rabbinical Judaism for this season in Israel. Many thousands of Zionist Born Again Christians also come from all over the world for what I like to call "The biggest Jesus party on earth!" It is such a good time!!! BIB's Co-Founders John McTernan and myself Dov Schwarz will be leading this tour and there will be twenty-eight of us celebrating King Jesus in Zion!


Schwarz Aliyah Update


04This is our second year to celebrate the Fall Feasts as "New Olim"-Immigrants to our homeland. Amongst many trials, that are too many to name in this letter, there have been many more blessings, too many to count, and more than abundant grace that holds and keeps us here. A special thank you to our many friends, brothers and sisters in Messiah Yeshua, and supporters for whom we are extremely grateful to Messiah Jesus!

05May our Savior richly bless you during this special time of the year and may we remember to lift up our heads knowing that our redemption draws near!

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Donations can be made at:
Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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Blessing Israeli Believers September 2016


P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943


September, 2016


Romans 15: 26-27


What the LORD is doing...


Please be inspired and encouraged with updates from our partners in the land.


From Beit Tfliah, House of Prayer:

september-2016-01Acts 2:42
It was a blessing to gather together to celebrate the Feast of Shavuot (Booths) for the first time in our newly completed outdoor fellowship area. Our gazebo project is finally completed with lighting, as well as fully landscaped, thank you CC Rocky Mountain. We are pleased that God brought non- believers to join us as we had prayed and envisioned to share the love of Messiah, and His word.


Presently we are moving cabinets to enlarge our fellowship area and give us more storage in our kitchen. Please pray that God will give us the ability to complete this and all our projects as we personally do all the labor required to keep costs to a minimal.


The Fellowship itself is doing well with numerous people functioning, which is causing growth of the whole body. As we continue to speak the truth in love people will grow in all things in Him. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and may our LORD's face continue to shine upon you.

Blessing Israeli Believers

september-2016-02Through your generous gifts we were able to assist a young Israeli family returning to Israel after studying at a Bible College abroad. Upon their return they secured employment but lacked the funds to pay their first months rent. They have asked us to convey their thankfulness for you standing in the gap on their behalf.


From Ariel & Shayla:


About a year ago, God started stirring our hearts to seek Him more for divine healing here in Israel.


I've been intensely studying the hundreds of Scriptures related to healing, reading several books about it, and watching dozens of testimonies of people healed and of those being used by God to heal others on the streets.


By God's grace, during that time we've seen and heard of several healings, especially through ministries of the congregation. But we've also been praying intensely for Yeshua to use us and others to heal people on the streets just like He and His first disciples did.


Then, a couple of months ago, I had a dream that I would pray for someone with a crutch and a significant problem in their leg, that Yeshua would heal them, and it would be a breakthrough in this area. Since then, if I saw anyone with a crutch, they had to hear the Gospel and be prayed for in Yeshua's name! 🙂 Praise God that quite a few people heard the Gospel as a result of this, but I hadn't seen any immediate healings...until a few days ago.


I was on a bus and felt the Holy Spirit leading me to sit next to an older lady and only afterwards noticed she had a crutch. I started a friendly conversation with Sophie, then shared my testimony about how I had crutches after my Achilles heel was torn and was supposed to take months or even years to heal, but after someone prayed for me in Yeshua's name, it was healed and I could instantly run again.


So I offered to pray for her, and she said, "But Yeshua can't heal what I have. The bones in my knee are broken and I have other serious problems, and I already had a surgery that failed and now I have to replace my whole knee."


I explained that Yeshua has healed things that were even worse than that, but then she said, "But people from Chabad [an Orthodox Jewish movement] and many other places have already prayed for me, and nothing worked." I asked her if anyone prayed for her in Yeshua's name, and she said they hadn't. So I said, "So can I pray for you now?" And she agreed.


september-2016-04I asked her if she had pain at that moment, and she said that it was hurting badly right then. Then I prayed in Yeshua's name, and immediately asked her, "Now how do you feel?" She looked at me with total shock in her eyes and said, "Maybe it's just psychological, but I don't feel pain!" I told her, "It's not psychological - Yeshua really heals!


Please pray with us for more healings and miracles in Yeshua's name!

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.


Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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