Blessing Israeli Believers – May 2024


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Updates from our partners in the Holy Land:

Pastor Oded Shoshani, Melech Hamlachim, King of Kings Jerusalem

The Reality of War
Just over a week ago, we witnessed again the God of Israel protecting His people, despite our actions. A historic air attack from Iran, which included over 300 missiles, drones, and cruise missiles was stopped by the IDF and the military coalition led by the United States, intercepting 99% of the threats. That was a great miracle, and we give God the glory!

The daily reality of war keeps us busy. We continue to pray together for the situation every morning. We have soldiers in the field, reservists called back to duty, and families in need of help. We thank the Lord that among the members of our congregation no one was killed and there were no serious physical injuries. At the same time, many are dealing with mental and physical trauma and various struggles. The effects of the war are becoming evident. Join us in prayer for protection, restoration, endurance, and hope for all.

We wish you a blessed year with Yeshua, the Lamb of God, the Passover Lamb!

Oded & Sandy Shoshani

Ezra & Shulamite, Golan Heights
Misha was blessed to lead his first Passover Seder since immigrating to Israel. It was a great time showing Messiah in the celebration. There were a few seekers in attendance as well as a few of our young soldiers home for the Holiday. Many of them are being called to Gaza so please keep them in your prayers.

Blessings Israeli Believers enabled us to continue to feed soldiers in the field. They are always amazed to hear that Christians in America are praying for them and blessing them with hot meals. We want to thank all of you on their behalf and pray you will continue to pray for our leadership here in Israel.

Praise & Prayer
Thank you for all your prayers that cover us during this difficult time. The night Iran attacked Israel a missile from their proxy, Hezbollah in Lebanon fired a rocket into our town. It landed just a 2 minute walk from our home. Thank God it rained the night before as the rocket sank into the mud, uprooted a tree which blocked all the shrapnel from causing any damage or harm. Prayers make a difference.
1. Pray for the release of the hostages
2. Pray for the young soldiers from our Fellowship

All for His Names Sake, Ezra & Shulamite

Ima’s Goodies – Located everywhere they are needed in the Land!

This small group of solders represents a unit of about 80 young men and women who are serving In Judea/Samaria area. With so much happening on our Northern and Southern border, it's easy to forget that every day in the Judea/Samaria area there are terrorist attacks and killings. These wonderful soldiers work day and night to help keep the Peace, they are always so excited to see me when I come. We were able to share with them some wonderful bags of snacks, goodies, marshmallows and drinks. It takes a lot of "Ima's Goodies" to help keep these soldiers alert.

The Gentleman in this photo is actually the cook at one of the bases where we visit a lot. He and his wife and family, live in an area of the land that is somewhat dangerous after certain hours and the soldiers are on patrol a lot in his area. He and his wife have started a little hub type of place where these soldiers can come in the late hours and have a quick snack, or a fast bite to eat, maybe grab a cup of coffee or a cold coca cola. I have been to visit them several times late at night and I usually bring some of IG Cookies and Brownies for him to share with our soldiers. His name is Eitan, which means Strong. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

Thank you for blessing us so we can bless them. Thank you for praying, loving and serving us as we serve the IDF Soldiers and the Nation of Israel. We speak SHALOM over you and your families during this time.

With Love, Ima (Mom)

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

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Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA

Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

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Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
The funds contributed are administered under the complete discretion and control of the Board of Directors.