Blessing Israeli Believers January 2022


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

May this New Year be filled with the joy of the Lord as we thank Him for saving us and making a way for us! May He bless you with good health, good friends, and a good testimony in 2022!!

A Note From BIB Co-Founder,
Dov Schwarz

Well, 2022 certainly has begun (and I believe will continue) as a year of changes and opportunities.
I have some BIG news that is as surprising to me as anybody. I had prayed and yearned for twenty years to move to Israel. I was so happy to finally be there and could not have imagined that I would ever leave this side of heaven. Yet, that is exactly what our Messiah Yeshua has called my family to do.

In December of 2021, after much prayer, seeking the Lord, and hearing counsel from my closest prayer partners and friends, we moved back to Texas—the other Lone Star State! Please pray for me as I am still in a bit of shock. We love Texas, but I am still just a little overwhelmed. Our Heavenly Father keeps bringing three things before me that I will do my best to strongly consider.

One is rest and healing, in that like so many these days, we have been through so much running and doing in the midst of great shaking and changes—we just need some time to rest and restore.

Also, waiting on the Lord for us is so important as He re-directs our lives here in the States. This is an understatement to say, as resting and waiting do not come naturally to me. Yet, we know this is the way for us right now.

Finally, and also so very important: our Israeli believing partners need our love, prayers, and support more than ever. I strongly believe the Holy Spirit has shown me that I will be of greater service to our Savior Yeshua and our partners in Israel being stationed here in America than if we were to remain in Israel. My assignment will be to raise awareness and support for them as Israel is one of the most difficult countries in the world to navigate through this season of the birth pains—including the global virus.
Please join me in 2022 by Blessing Israeli Believers in Messiah Jesus!

In His service, Dov Schwarz

Be blessed with the following notes of appreciation from our BIB partners in Israel:

Renee’ & Gidon - Imas Goodies:

Shalom and Happy Hanukkah,

I wanted to write a little “Thank You" for the love gifts that you sent for Ima’s Goodies and the work among our IDF Soldiers. So much has happened these last few weeks and sometimes it's hard to keep up with everything.

I went out to six different groups of soldiers for Hanukkah, and was able to pass out traditional Sufganyot (doughnuts) and other home baked goodies, snacks and drinks to our soldiers. We served over 1000 IDF soldiers in the last few weeks, all thanks to your donations for Hanukkah.

At one stage my house looked like I was living in a snack factory storage unit as we had so much snacks and drinks in our big hallway. We were very happy that as the holiday came around we were able to bless our soldiers with some refreshment.

We pray that you are well and healthy back in your countries. We will soon finish up Hanukkah and head into the Christmas season and we are thankful for the Light...that shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it.

Thank you once again, May you be blessed in this season
Renee and Gidon Shmuel

Ezra & Shulamite – Golan Heights

It is hard to believe that 2021 is coming to a close and we are so thankful for all of you who have stood with us through your prayers and support. You have enabled us to bless people such as Carl who is a Holocaust Survivor who came to faith in Israel. Carl fell from his bed and broke his arm as he suffers from dementia. Through your generous donations we were able to provide him with a bed with retractable railings so he can sleep safely.

We are also able to continue food distribution for the Holocaust Survivors in our community. This is a great blessing as food prices continue to rise every month here in Israel.

Praise & Prayer

Relationships are being established through simple acts of kindness such as visiting people in their homes.

We were able to cerebrate Ida’s birthday and bring her flowers and share the Good News. It was amazing to learn that it was also her 60th anniversary with her husband Vladimir.

Everything in this update was made possible through Blessing Israeli Believers generosity and all of your prayers. Please continue to pray that many people in our community will come to receive Yeshua as their personal Messiah.

Activate the Blessings of the Abraham Covenant

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Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
CTN-Christian Television Network:
Saturday 10:00pm EST
Monday 7:30am EST
Inspiration TV:
Wednesday 11:00am EST
The Walk:
Sunday 9:00pm EST

Also find us on social media:

Listen on the GO with audio Programs from SoundCloud!

Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers December 2021


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Happy Hanukkah!
November 28 – December 6

Update from Oded Shoshani,
King of Kings Jerusalem:

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness did not comprehend it.” John 1:4-5

This time of the year is so special! Not only is the air filled with the sweet scent of sufganiyot (donuts), but the nights are full of light. During Hanukkah, families light the candles together, and then place the Hanukkiah in their windows so the light is seen. One of the reasons for this is to share the light with all who pass by. We see this echoed in Yeshua’s words. He said:

“You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16

Yeshua came from the Father, as the Light of the world, and called us to be as He is. As the Body of Messiah we celebrate the arrival of this Light into the world. We remember the miracles that He has done for His people and for each of us individually. As we are drawn together gazing upon Yeshua and His light, we shine together into the uncomprehending darkness declaring with all that is in us “in Your light we see light.”

With much love, Oded & Sandy

Update from Ariel & Shayla, Haifa:

Shalom Blessing Israeli Believers!

Thank you for your prayers for the new evangelistic street interviews - our last outing was quite amazing!

We set up a sign saying “Does God exist? If so, who is He? Let’s talk!” in a very public area. Not only did we get some great interviews on camera, but our team had numerous conversations about the Lord with many others who came by. But it wasn’t without opposition. In the middle of the first interview, a man who was listening in started to get very upset, then started cursing viciously and threatened to kill all of us! Surely the enemy of our souls wasn’t happy with the Gospel spreading on the streets of Israel!

A Muslim man, Ibrahim, talked with us next. When we asked for proof that Islam is true, he couldn’t give any,
and after a while, he admitted on camera that the Muslim way of salvation by good works that cancel your need for a punishment is neither just nor logical. We then shared the whole Gospel with him!

When we asked our final interviewee, a lawyer, if she believes God exists, she said, “I believe it’s not all by coincidence,” but she wasn’t sure if God exists or if the Bible is true. So we talked about how the Tanakh (Old
Testament) had prophesied 2,700 years ahead of time how the people of Israel would be scattered then regathered to their land, how they’d reestablish their nation, revive the Hebrew language, be attacked by many nations yet still survive, etc. We said, “Did you ever consider that if everything isn’t a coincidence, the opposite of “coincidence” is “planned”? Wouldn’t that mean there’s Someone who planned it all?”

She was very open, and after sharing how Yeshua fulfilled the Messianic prophecies, died for our sins, then rose again, she asked with genuine interest, “So Yeshua’s the Messiah?” She later said of Him, “He’s a wonderful person.” We gave her a New Testament at the end of the interview!

For most of the last 2,000 years, the vast majority of Jewish people have strongly rejected Yeshua and been unwilling to even consider His Messiahship. For a Jewish lawyer to show such genuine interest in Yeshua on camera is a testimony to how God is answering your prayers and bringing us closer to the day when “All Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26)! Hallelujah!

Many blessings in Messiah!
Ariel & Shayla

Update from Ezra & Shulamite, Golan Heights:

Prayer & Praise

Thank you for supporting the ministry to the Holocaust Survivors. Many have come to faith but there are still some who need to have their names written in the Book of Life.

Israel has finally opened its border to individual tourists after being closed for 20 months. Please pray the borders would remain open and we would hold our Spring 2022 Program.

Pray for the meetings to the young Israeli adults, that they would be equipped for the ministry. Truly the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few.

We are also encouraged and excited in all the new Bible Studies here in the Golan Heights and Galilee. Our Congregation continues to hold our 5 weekly Bible studies plus a new meeting that has started in our home. This meeting is for young soldiers (security no pics) and those who have finished their military service. They join our family for dinner then we have a Bible study where we are seeking to teach them how to study the Bible, followed with Bible trivia games.

Our new work in the Galilee is up to 40 people in attendance. I am also one of 5 elders that teach a men’s study on rotation near the Lebanese border and was blessed to teach Malachi 2:10-17

All for His Name’s Sake, Ezra & Shulamite

Activate the Blessings of the Abraham Covenant

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Please be sure to note "ATB" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

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Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
CTN-Christian Television Network:
Saturday 10:00pm EST
Monday 7:30am EST
Inspiration TV:
Wednesday 11:00am EST
The Walk:
Sunday 9:00pm EST

Also find us on social media:

Listen on the GO with audio Programs from SoundCloud!

Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers November 2021


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

In the past, Blessing Israeli Believers has come alongside this Israeli believing family. Here is an update of their situation. Please be in prayer for Eldad’s health and the family’s financial situation. The Lord always has a plan, we need to be obedient and faithful to follow His direction for our lives. If you feel the leading of the Holy Spirit to join us in the practical needs for this family, please do as He leads, and note “Sagi Family” in your giving.

Dear Blessing Israeli Believers,

It is with a very sad but thankful heart that I am sending you our family and business update. We are aware that the Covid-19 pandemic has forced millions of small businesses across the globe to close their doors. We are amazed and so thankful that our small business survived 2020! We give praise and thanks to Yeshua for Blessing Israeli Believers, for blessing our family with much-needed financial aid during the Coronavirus pandemic for a few months. Your generous support enabled us to provide for our family during the crisis.

However, we are facing new challenges in 2021. Our whole family contracted Covid-19 in August. Praise the Lord that our 5 children and I recovered. Unfortunately, Covid-19 has caused further damage to Eldad’s immune system and nervous system. He is experiencing such debilitating pain that he has been unable to work for the past 3 months, and we have been forced to close our small business, Lily-Pops. After much prayer and discussion, we have decided that this is in the best interest of Eldad’s health.

At the start of October, we reached out to Blessing Israeli Believers explaining our very difficult situation, we didn’t have money to pay our rent or to buy groceries. They immediately blessed us with funds to purchase groceries. It is truly amazing how God always shows up at the last minute. When we think that the world around us is falling apart, He shows up, reminding us that He has always been and is always there right beside us…all we must do is ask in prayer, obey, and trust in His plan for our lives.

On behalf of my family, thank you so very, very much for always walking with us, for praying for us and for loving us as your family in Yeshua. Thank you for supporting Blessing Israeli Believers, your kindness and generosity has touched our lives in so many ways!

We thank God for His Goodness and His provision and for using everyone at BIB and BIB’s supporters for reaching out and blessing our family.

In Messiah’s Joy,
Helen and Eldad and family

Update from Pastor Oded and Sandy Shoshani, King of Kings Hebrew Congregation

“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three;
but the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13

During this time, corona continues to affect all walks of life, causing global instability that also affects us all personally. The response to this is an awakening of our instinct for self-preservation. As believers we are challenged to swim against the current, both personally and communally, and bring the love of the Lord to those around us, who already know our Messiah and those who don’t yet.
Let’s pray together that the Lord will give us wisdom and practical understanding to know how to navigate this time in a way that will bring glory and honor to His name and spread His love to a world so desperately in need of it.

Thanksgiving and Prayer Requests
Two adult children of a fairly new believer in our congregation very recently came to faith following the devastation of their lives after their parents divorce some years ago and living a culture of drugs. They have begun this journey of maturing and spiritual growth and the road ahead of them is long. Their father was shocked by their decision, and as a result he has been spurred forward to continue to grow in faith and deepen his relationship with the Lord. Please pray for the two children and their father to grow in the Lord, and for their mother who still is not a believer to know her Messiah.

Sharing the Love of God
We had the privilege to attend a Sukkot gathering along with a number of non-believers. The purpose of this time was to share the love of God. Oded presented the plan of salvation and the truth of Messiah in a clear and thought provoking manner. There was a lot of interest and people asked very deep and meaningful questions. Please pray that their hearts would be soft, and that the seeds sown would grow and bring much fruit!

Baptism & Sukkot
Oded and Sandy hosted an “open sukkah” at home for the congregation. It was a blessing to be together outdoors and rejoice together with food, fellowship and many deep and meaningful conversations. While we gathered in the sukkah, another of the newer believers in our midst was baptized in our backyard pool! What a blessing to hear her testify about who Yeshua is in her life, and how she wants to continue to walk closely with Him on a daily basis.

Another Home Group
Praise God another home group has opened in a new area of Jerusalem. It took six months of prayer and much encouragement for that to happen. Please pray that this group, along with the other groups, would continue to meet. Pray that there would be an open and secure atmosphere and that the participants would grow deeper in the love of the Lord and in faith.

With much love,
Oded & Sandy

Activate the Blessings of the Abraham Covenant

Receive a complimentary copy as a thank you with your generous gift of any amount.

Please be sure to note "ATB" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

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Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
CTN-Christian Television Network:
Saturday 10:00pm EST
Monday 7:30am EST
Inspiration TV:
Wednesday 11:00am EST
The Walk:
Sunday 9:00pm EST

Also find us on social media:

Listen on the GO with audio Programs from SoundCloud!

Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers October 2021


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Update from Janet in Haifa:

Good morning from Israel, "Blessing Israeli Believers"!

Again, I thank you so much for your sacrifices and generosity of support to help each one of us whom God has called to live and work for His good pleasure in Israel. (Oh my gosh, this November I will actually have lived and served in Israel HALF OF MY LIFE!!! 33 years!!! Wow, where does the time GO??!!) Life is expensive here, and wages and pensions are not nearly enough to make ends meet. Your help is truly powerful!!!

I continue to work at Ebenezer Home for believing, born again Jews and Arabs. I enjoy some very lively and anointed fellowship with everyone there. I have come to notice that no one who works or lives there remains the same! Every staff member, every volunteer who comes and goes, every resident, we are all deeply changed by the work of God in our lives! I have come to understand that God uses this place as a "potters wheel" for each one of us! I have grown spiritually so much in the last 3 and a half years working at EH, and my character trimmed, hammered, burnished and polished. I am amazed that I am not at all the same person I was when I began there, and we all impact each others lives in powerful ways!

We are in the middle of a rapid building upgrade by order of Home Front Command, by putting in strengthening steel beams and new doors in various doorways in case of bomb blast or earthquake. It would seem our governing bodies find these threats so imminent that re-licensing will be based on these upgrades! yikes!

Well, again, thank you all profoundly, and God bless all of you individually in your own personal needs and requests! Please pray for my Jewish husband to have a personal revelation of Yeshua, the true Jewish Messiah and that he would have a personal relationship with Him! Time is running out FAST!!! The Lord's coming for His Bride is imminent!!

I hope to see you all soon together with Him in the air!!
Even so, come Lord Yeshua!!

Update from Ezra & Shulamite in the Golan:

It is always a blessed time when we gather together with the Holocaust Survivors. In light of all their questions about the different events happening around the world today Pastor Dov taught from Matthew chapter 24. It was an eye open experience for all in attendance followed by a time of questions and discussion.

Praise & Prayer
We want to introduce you to Shulamite’s aunt Asiah who was the first family member to immigrate to Israel. Shulamite’s mother, Esther was 8 & Asiah was 11 years old when these two young girls were separated from their family during the Holocaust. They survived by living in the forest and being taken in by local people. Needless to say they suffered many difficulties. We were privileged to have Esther live with us until her passing a few years ago and now we are privileged to have Asiah live with us. She will be 92 on Sept. 1, please pray for her.

Update from Ariel & Shayla in Haifa:

Jewish man from Jerusalem received His King
Samuel* from Jerusalem contacted us recently and said that after reading about Yeshua online he began to believe in Him, even though he didn’t fully know how to explain why yet.
Our team member Daniel asked if he had already prayed to repent of his sins and receive Yeshua as his Messiah and Lord. He hadn’t yet, but said he would like to right now!
He had some holes in his understanding of the Scriptures, the Messiah, and the Gospel, so Daniel and Eliel shared more with him. He said he was hungry to learn more and that these truths filled his heart. He really wants to grow, and was excited to receive a New Testament and connect with a local pastor for discipleship.
His wife and family still are not believers, so please pray for courage for him to stand in his new faith, and that he and his whole household would be saved!

Ultra-Orthodox Jew with extremist ties interested in Yeshua
Mordechai*, an ultra-Orthodox Jew from a very religious neighborhood started talking with us about Yeshua in March.
After some great conversations about the Gospel with several of us he wrote, “How I long to be in touch with you regularly! But I can’t because I can’t let my wife know that I’m interested in the New Testament and Yeshua. So I’m going to delete all of our chats each time so that she won’t see it.”
But his desire to know the truth won’t let him stop pursuing Yeshua. So just a few days ago, he asked, “Where in my religious village can I get a New Testament? I need a small one that I can hide. Tell me where, and I’ll go get it immediately!” So we connected him with a pastor in a nearby town and 40 minutes later he was already there, met the pastor, and received the New Testament!
Later, we sent him a link to a worship song that was recorded at a Messianic conference. He asked in response, “Wait, was that the event where ultra-Orthodox extremists beat up the Messianic Jews?”
When we responded that it was, he sent a picture, showing that one of his own family members was part of the extremists group that was physically assaulting followers of Yeshua! He said, “If I were to just become secular, my family could accept it. But if I say I believe in Yeshua, they could destroy me!”
Please pray that especially as Mordechai reads the Scriptures, God would continue to reveal His Son to him, and that he would make the courageous decision to follow Yeshua no matter what the cost.

Activate the Blessings of the Abraham Covenant

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Please be sure to note "ATB" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

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Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
CTN-Christian Television Network:
Saturday 10:00pm EST
Monday 7:30am EST
Inspiration TV:
Wednesday 11:00am EST
The Walk:
Sunday 9:00pm EST

Also find us on social media:

Listen on the GO with audio Programs from SoundCloud!

Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers September 2021


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Dov Schwarz, Co-Founder Blessing Israeli Believers

The Fall Feasts are upon us, which gives us an opportunity to remember two very important faith realities:

1) The Spring and Summer Feasts have been fulfilled in Messiah Jesus!
2) He will most certainly fulfill the Fall Feasts as well!

But what does this mean—that He will fulfill the Fall Feasts? It is so important to understand what the Apostle Paul told the predominantly Gentile church in Colossae. He explained to them that the Feasts of the LORD were an important shadow of the One who would come and fulfill them with great significance!

So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.
(Colossians 2:16,17)

The Spring Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and Shavuot (Pentecost) are fulfilled at the Cross and the Resurrection of our sinless Savior Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). And, then His resurrection and the baptism of the Holy Spirit birthing the New Covenant body of Messiah wrap up the Spring and Summer.

So then, how will He fulfill the Fall Feasts? Traditionally, the Jewish people celebrate Rosh Hashanah—the head of the year. But actually (Biblically) it is “Yom Teruah” the Day of Blowing Trumpets, followed by the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and then Tabernacles (Succot).

The signs are all around us that not only is the season of Fall Feasts upon us like at other times, but that their final fulfillment in Messiah Jesus is upon us at any time! The catching away of the saints, the Lord’s return to cleanse Israel of sin and bring national revival to the Land and people, and that King Yeshua will be reigning upon the throne of David in Jerusalem are all upon us as well! Here are some chapters in scripture where you can look into these things for yourself.

Leviticus 23 ~ 1 Thessalonians 4 ~ 1 Corinthians 15 ~ Hebrews 7-9
~ Revelation 19

This actually leads to the second portion of our letter—Blessing Israeli Believers!

The Bible speaks of a time when the prophetic fulfillment of the Covenant promises to Israel will begin to leap off the pages of the Bible into the events of that prophetic generation. Folks that time is NOW! When I learned the Scriptures pertaining to the Israeli Believers in Messiah Jesus I could not watch any longer—I had to move to Israel and be one!

I was so very excited to learn of the revived ministry of the Apostle Paul that was extinct for over 1800 years! In Romans 15 Paul speaks of the responsibility of the churches in the nations to help the poor Israeli Believers in Jerusalem. Since 135AD there was no Israel until 1948. Yet, in 1948 the covenant name “Israel” was restored and once again there are Israeli followers of Messiah Jesus in the Promised Land! Do you see? Paul’s ministry is back as there are now Israeli Believers in Messiah Jesus who, like in Paul’s day, need and should receive help from churches in the nations. Since the gospel came from Israel (spiritual) it is the duty of those in the nations to help them with material things (physical help).

But now I am going to Jerusalem to minister to the saints. For it pleased those from Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor among the saints who are in Jerusalem. It pleased them indeed, and they are their debtors. For if the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister to them in material things. (Romans 15:25-27)

Every month precious saints from the nations, by grace and mercy, help to prayerfully and financially support our BIB partners here in Israel. Our Co-Founder John McTernan and myself, by grace and mercy, fulfill our monthly commitments to help precious Israeli Believers in Messiah Jesus according to this principle given by Apostle Paul.

Here are just some of many examples:
Jerusalem: Israeli ministry couple monthly financial help, poor saints in Messianic Congregation distributed by Pastor Oded Shoshani, financial help to family with nine children.
Haifa: Evangelistic family monthly support, Elderly pensioner in Haifa monthly support to stay in Messianic retirement home.
Netanya: Holocaust survivors and poor and needy food distribution.
Golan Heights: Benevolent giving to the poor and needy and Holocaust survivors.
Galilee: Schwarz family and oversight of BIB, financially helping a single mother monthly.

The End Times fulfillment of Israeli Believers is that they/we are a preserving influence until Israel receives Yeshua (Jesus) as Lord! The Lord’s prophetic plan is to first physically birth Israel and then in the midst of great sin and lost-ness nationally revive Israel upon His return. Israeli Believers in Messiah Jesus are a “seed” of righteousness preserving the Land and People of Israel during this brief window until the coming of the Lord!

Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, The remnant will be saved. For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness, Because the Lord will make a short work upon the earth.” And as Isaiah said before: “Unless the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, We would have become like Sodom, And we would have been made like Gomorrah.” (Romans 9:27-29)

Thanks to all of you who are participating in this Apostolic, Prophetic, End Times Ministry!

And as we say in Israel…

Hag Sameach! - Happy Holidays!

Activate the Blessings of the Abraham Covenant

Receive a complimentary copy as a thank you with your generous gift of any amount.

Please be sure to note "ATB" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

Click Here to purchase!


Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
CTN-Christian Television Network:
Saturday 10:00pm EST
Monday 7:30am EST
Inspiration TV:
Wednesday 11:00am EST
The Walk:
Sunday 9:00pm EST

Also find us on social media:

Listen on the GO with audio Programs from SoundCloud!

Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers August 2021


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Ezra & Shulamite, Golan Heights:

It is a blessing and encouraging to see how God is working in the lives of the women as they gather together for their weekly Bible Study. The Lord has raised up 4 women through this meeting to teach this or other meetings that are held during the week.

One of these is our Foundations meeting that is held in an apartment in the Senior Assisted Living Center. Please keep this meeting and the others in your prayers that people would come to faith and grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord. Join us as we praise the LORD as He continues to add to the body of Messiah in northern Israel.

Efraim & Jeannie, Northern Israel:

Shalom! — Blessings and peace to you during these summer days. These are certainly tumultuous and uncertain times. However, in Israel there are some things we can be sure of and that is the summer will be long and dry, the political climate will remain uncertain and that the Lord watches over Israel.

These are certainly times when we need to be engaged in prayer for repentance and renewal in Israel for all Jews, Arabs, and Druze people. I can understand how Yeshua must have felt as He looked over Jerusalem, I presume, from the Mount of Olives:

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! (Matthew 23:37)

Jerusalem in Jesus’ times would have been predominately Jewish with Roman overseers and slaves from the vast Roman empire. Today’s Jerusalem is even more diverse and divided than it was in Jesus’ era. Looking upon Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives one sees the symbols of Islam and Christianity and the developed skyline of modern Israel, an imposing landscape. Beneath all of the symbols and history is a city that is teeming with people who need peace—a peace that will not be decreed from the White House, the halls of the United Nations, or the chambers of the Israeli Knesset. The true shalom that the people living in Israel need will only be found in the Messiah Yeshua. The good news is that the Messiah Yeshua is standing before all who live in Israel, offering His forgiveness and salvation. We proclaim this message to our Jewish people wherever we may be. Please pray for our co-workers in Israel as we share the message of Yeshua to our people. I take comfort that my co-workers are engaged and sharing the gospel especially during these troubled times.

Jeannie and I thank you for your unwavering support and concern. Your partnership encourages us daily as we strive to share the wonderful message of our Messiah Yeshua. We would like to hear from you, especially how we can be praying for you.

Yours in the Messiah Yeshua, Efraim & Jeannie

Shalom From Ima’s Goodies:

I wanted to write you a quick personal note to say how thankful we are for you and your faithful giving every month to this work among our Israeli soldiers.

We have had quite a few openings and possibilities to go out to our soldiers even in the midst of all of this corona stuff happening and the high tensions in this land. You know as I look at the news, I am always astounded by God's Faithfulness to this country. He is a faithful, good God.

Just recently I met a few soldiers in the supermarket by where I live, they were in their uniforms and I turned to greet them. I then found out they are actually stationed just not so far away and working with the Iron Dome Anti-Missile system. I explained who I am and what I do with this wonderful ministry of Ima’s Goodies. I asked if it's possible to speak to the Main Commander at that time so as to bring them some goodies. I was then told that the young man I was speaking with was in charge and he gave me permission to come to them. I have been able to bless them twice with home baked cakes, cookies and snacks, as well as cold drinks. This is a smaller group but oh so very important. I believe that even as it says in the New Covenant that we are all one body that even so in the physical army each job is important. We cannot do anything without the help of others around us.

The days are extremely hot in Israel and its not just the weather. Tensions are high all the time, maybe if you have visited here you have felt it, now even more so is the time to bring an encouraging word to our soldiers, to remind them that God is still on the throne and He is watching over His word to perform it. Thank you once again for helping us to go out and love on our soldiers in a very real practical way.

Gidon and I want to thank each of you that have given personally towards his hearing aids and glasses. Gidon is watching TV at a distance and without the volume level being up so high. For this I am thankful. Your sacrificial love and generosity towards us has not gone unnoticed by us, or our heavenly Father. We would not have been able to do this without your help. For those who have asked if we personally need monthly help for us as a couple, the answer is YES. Thank you for your prayers that cover us as a family.

Gidon & Renee’ - Ima’s Goodies

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers July 2021


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

The following update from Janet, one of our BIB partners in Haifa, was received just after our June letter went to print. We felt this was important and wanted to share it with you.

"Nevertheless you have done well that you shared in my distress. Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only. For even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities.
Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. Indeed I have all and abound. I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:14-19

Shalom from very eventful Israel! This verse always makes me think of you all in your generosity and kindness to us who serve the Lord in Israel! The Lord sees and knows!!!

As I started to write this letter, it was May 13th and rockets had been raining down on Israel's south and center from Gaza, from the border, to as far as Tel Aviv. As of this day, well over 1000 rockets had been fired at this country in 48 hours. (At the end of the 10-day outbreak, it was well over 4000 rockets!!) Riots had broken out all over the northern cities in support of the terrorists group Hamas.

Here in Haifa, one short block from where I work, 100s of Muslim youths had been gathering and rioting for two nights in the very popular German Colony. Molotov cocktails had been thrown at businesses, residences and passing cars. Our head of the home where I work stayed up all night on the worst night watching out for fires, because his neighbor's home had been hit. One of our large garbage bins was dumped and torched. Piles of tires were burned just up the street. Night duty workers had to take the bus to work for fear of being attacked in their cars. These rioters were not residents of Haifa, they were bused in by local radical elements. It was a very tense time, and I am glad it’s over. By May 21, it all calmed down in Israel with the ceasefire! So far, it holds...

May 31 - Now we have a new major prophetic event: BIBI IS OUT! A new "change" government is in, after 12 years of Netanyahu! Things are setting up quickly and God is moving fast! We are truly seeing birth pangs coming closer together, and I wonder if the next one will be stronger than the last, and how shocking!

"Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness,
And light dwells with Him." Daniel 2:20-22

I truly believe Jesus is coming for His bride ANY DAY NOW!!! The signs are too obvious! Israel is the gauge of where we are on the prophetic time clock, so let us keep watching and looking up! May God bless you all and may He call us all UPWARD to gather together with our Bridegroom in the clouds!

In the name of Jesus, Janet

Update from Ariel & Shayla, Haifa, Israel

Shalom Blessing Israeli Believers!
Just in the past few days we’re experiencing a whirlwind of God’s Spirit moving in people’s hearts and bringing breakthroughs, healing, and salvation! There are so many stories we can’t share them all, but we pray these highlights will encourage your faith!

Miracle Breakthroughs at the Friday Outreach
I had the privilege of going out with our newest team member, Rene, on our latest outreach to the poor on Friday. Rene is a gifted evangelist and has a heart full of compassion for the lost. She can share the Gospel in Hebrew and Russian. She’s answering our Pro-Life and Gospel helpline part of the week and is also involved in our outreaches and follow-up.

On the way to our first house we saw a man with a broken arm, and offered him prayer. His arm was hurting at the moment but when we prayed in Yeshua’s name the pain suddenly left! He was quite amazed and very open as we shared the whole Gospel with him. He gave his phone number and would love to meet with us to talk in more depth. As we were leaving we saw him walk over to his friends and excitedly share how Yeshua had healed him!

At the first house the lady there, Olga, is a new immigrant to Israel going through many challenges. When we shared the Gospel with her she was so touched she was almost in tears and said that she definitely wants to talk about Yeshua in more depth. We told her about a Russian-speaking home group in our congregation and she was excited to join!

On the way to the next house, a young woman called and Rene answered. She said, “I just found out yesterday that I’m pregnant and I really don’t know what to do. I started thinking about an abortion but then I actually decided to look up on Youtube ‘why not to get an abortion.’ I found your video and you said you could help people with unplanned pregnancies.” Rene responded, “You came to the right place!” She talked with her in more depth later and Rene connected her to a Pro-Life counselor in her area who said that they already met and had a wonderful talk.

Another team shared the Gospel with a man named Ivan and then asked if they could pray with him. He agreed and during the prayer he started to weep. He said, “What is this I’m feeling?” They answered, “It’s the Holy Spirit!” He was deeply moved by God’s presence there and they could tell that he is very close to receiving Yeshua!

Please pray with us:
•For hearts of stone to be removed and replaced with hearts of flesh.
•For the 1000’s of Israelis who’ve contacted us because of the Pro-Life and Gospel Campaign.
•For all new believers that they would agree to meet for regular discipleship and grow in their faith.
•For wisdom, direction, anointing and unity as we work with others to create a discipleship program that could help many congregations in Israel and abroad.
•For clear guidance in the next steps for evangelistic videos and the Pro-Life and Gospel Campaign.
•For protection, health, and good sleep for all our team members and their families.

Many blessings in Messiah!
Ariel and Shayla Hyde on behalf of our ministry team

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers June 2021


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

A Note From Blessing Israeli Believers Co-Founder Dov Schwarz

Recently, my wife and I were scheduled to return to Israel from a visit to the United States. After two flight cancellations prayerfully and thankfully we were able to get re-booked on EL AL—the Israeli airlines. Due to the threat of Hamas rockets, our flight was re-routed to a smaller airport in the southern desert of Israel. Once there, we waited patiently on the tarmac, refueled and then were given clearance to fly and land at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv.

Why did all this happen? It is due to the fact that prophetic Scriptures are leaping off the pages of the Bible! Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists, Hezbollah, Iran, Turkey, and others are incensed over Jerusalem. The world is fast approaching the final prophetic scenarios including ours great King and Savior returning to His holy city Jerusalem. Keep watching—the nations will increasingly go mad over Jerusalem. Hallelujah, we know the end of the book—WE WIN!

“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.” (Zechariah 12:2-3)

Update from Ima’s Goodies:
Cookies and Rockets!!

So Just what exactly do you do when you feel the Lord calls you out someplace, and your car is loaded down full of cold drinks, snacks and cookies and the news report talks of tension in the area?...WELL….
You GO.

Little did I realize when I was invited to a group of undercover soldiers in the IDF that I would be down on the border with Gaza the same day that Rockets would start flying over my head. I knew there was a lot of tension in the air, I mean there usually is…. this is Israel. This is where I live and this is the land of the people God has cut covenant with.

We have quite a few neighbors that are not happy with us… for their own reasons. But this is the beauty of the Gospel of Messiah. "He died in order to break down that middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity….so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace.” (Ephesians 2:14)

So in the midst of chaos and upheaval and true enmity happening in the land, you go out and you share the Good News of a God who loves and cares for each one, and especially for our IDF Soldiers and a God who wants peace as much as these young men and women want it.

This wonderful unit that I visited were so happy that I came down south, a two-hour plus drive. In the beginning I was to meet them on the Egyptian border but then everything changed to the Gaza border. A group of about 80 guys, serving in the army, for some of them its a career, they have chosen this, but they need to be reminded that God has called them and watches over them in their missions during the day and in their excursions at night. As they go in-and-out to very real dangerous areas they put their lives on the line so that we could sleep comfortably.

It's amazing that as you pass out cakes and cookies, the love of a mighty God can be so very tangible and real. As the dusty wind blows through my hair and the sand whips up around me, I’m hot and dirty and probably a bit sweaty, but we all are like that as we sit out in the sun and the heat. These young men (& one woman) all get hugs and pats on the back, a little bit of talking and asking about them and their lives, gives them a break, a very short one, from the real dangers at hand.

We ended up passing out Ima’s Goodies to several hundred soldiers that day down along the Gaza border. Scripture talks about a cup of cold water given in His name, that was the perfect thing for back in Jesus’ day, but I'd like to think that today as we give some cold Coca Cola and some snacks, we share the love of ALMIGHTY God and each time a muffin or Cookie is given the Good News goes forth.

Thank you for your love, prayers and support for this ministry.

We Bless You from the Kitchen of Ima’s Goodies,

Renee and Gidon

Dear friends of Blessing Israeli Believers, Recently we found out that Gidon is in need of new hearing aids and glasses. Gidon was diagnosed with Parkinson’s a few years back, his situation has gotten better with the help of some new medicine, however he is unable to work. Gidon and Renee’ have been serving the body of Messiah in the Land for almost 40 years and the family is in need of assistance. Please ask the Lord if this is something you could be involved in helping.

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Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers May 2021


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Shavuot (Pentecost) Evening May 16-May 17

Dear Disciples of Messiah Yeshua and friends of Blessing Israeli Believers,

Once again, I am reminded that our true and living Savior Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) operates by His calendar. His appointed times in the Bible not only point us to history (His-story) in the past—but also the present and our eternal future with Him!

This season of Shavuot (Pentecost) was initially a holy day for acknowledging and thanking the LORD for the ingathering of the wheat harvest. A counting began from the previous barley harvest of first fruits. You may remember our recent letter that featured passages regarding Messiah Yeshua—the Firstfruits of the Resurrection. He rose from the grave on Firstfruits, and 50 days later is Shavuot. This ingathering is also called “a first fruits” and some call it the Second First Fruits. This simply means that the children of Israel were to bring the first part of both their barley and wheat harvests and offer them to the Lord in thanks for His faithfulness.

“And you shall observe the Feast of Weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the year’s end.” (Exodus 34:22)

‘And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed.” (Leviticus 23:15)

Then you shall keep the Feast of Weeks to the Lord your God with the
tribute of a freewill offering from your hand, which you shall give as the
Lord your God blesses you.” (Deuteronomy 16:10)

Also significant, included in the Shavuot offerings to the LORD were two leavened loafs of bread instead of the previous unleavened bread elements of ceremony of the Passover Feast.
Remember, leaven often pictures sin in the Bible. This fulfills the LORD’s prophetic plans to unite into “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15) two previously separated groups—both marred by sin—now purchased by the blood of the Passover Lamb Messiah Jesus!

Count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall offer a new grain offering to the Lord.You shall bring from your dwellings two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah. They shall be of fine flour; they shall be baked with leaven. They are the firstfruits to the Lord. (Leviticus 23:16)

It is often overlooked that in Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit made this the most special Shavuot ever, not only were there Jews—but also Gentile proselytes to Judaism present who were saved that day (Acts 2:10)! Three thousand were saved and the international ingathering of precious souls that began that day would soon expand all around the world!

Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.” (Acts 2:41)

Then after the long hot summer, the final ingathering would take place at the Fall Feast of Tabernacles. That time of final harvest is quickly approaching and then there will be no time for harvest. While we have a little time—may we truly celebrate our Salvation in Messiah Yeshua and remember to take His gospel to the Jew first and then to the Nations!

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,
for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes,
for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” (Romans 1:16)

An Update from Ezra & Shulamite, Northern Israel
Praise & Prayer
Sunday morning is our time to gather and pray for the unborn and their mothers. Please join us in prayer for the lives of these children here in Israel and around the world.

How fitting that we were able to finally gather together on Pesach (Passover) to celebrate freedom and life. We were limited on the number of people that night but thankful that number has now been raised so we can all meet together.

The group of Holocaust Survivors is growing smaller as many are coming to the end of the days allotted to them on this earth. Many of those who are no longer with us received Yeshua as their personal Messiah while they still had breath but a few did not which breaks our hearts. Please pray that the rest of them would have their eyes and hearts open to see and receive Yeshua.

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Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
CTN-Christian Television Network:
Saturday 10:00pm EST
Monday 7:30am EST
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Wednesday 11:00am EST
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Sunday 9:00pm EST

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Listen on the GO with audio Programs from SoundCloud!

Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers April 2021


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

A Note From Blessing Israeli Believers Co-Founder, Dov Schwarz

Last month our letter was about our Savior’s identity as the Passover Lamb. This month His identity unfolds as the First Fruits of the Resurrection!
The Passover season began with the first night of Passover and progressed through the seven days of Unleavened Bread. Traditionally, often the two are combined calling it one holiday—Passover. The holiday called First Fruits falls within that seven days.

“And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘When you come into the land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest. He shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted on your behalf; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. And you shall offer on that day, when you wave the sheaf, a male lamb of the first year, without blemish,
as a burnt offering to the Lord.”(Leviticus 23:9-12)

Israelis were to bring the first and best of their spring barley harvest for sacrifice to the LORD. It was a way of acknowledging the LORD of The Harvest and expressing their faith in Him to bring the rest of the harvest. Our Heavenly Father sets a great example by giving His First and Best to be the sacrifice for our sins.

Then, on the third day of Passover week the Lamb of God rose from the grave on First Fruits—the first day of the week after the Sabbath—Hallelujah! He is alive! And that Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) is alive points to the rest of the harvest!

But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming. (1 Corinthians 15:20-23)

Every Jew and Gentile, except for Messiah Jesus, was born into this world
“in Adam.” This category includes sin, condemnation, separation from the LORD in this life, and then eternity in the lake of fire. Yet, when we receive Messiah Yeshua as Lord and Savior we are re-categorized—declared righteous by our Heavenly Father! We are placed into the eternal category of being “in Christ”!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”(2 Corinthians 5:17)

What makes this possible? Yes, the cross of Messiah Jesus, but the power of the cross is only made possible by the reality of the Resurrection! And our Savior is not only alive—He is alive in we who are born again! Not only that, one day He will bring those from their graves, and those who are alive and remain to eternal glory—in glorified and eternal bodies!
(1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)

So be encouraged—because Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) is alive—you and I are alive—and it will be worth it all when we see Him!
Dov Schwarz

Update from Efraim & Jeannie, Northern Israel

With the easing of restrictions, hundreds of Israeli young people headed out to hike the Israel Trail. For over a year these young Israelis have been grounded and unable to travel abroad to go trekking and traveling. International travel is still restricted so the next best place to go is the Israel National Trail.

My good friends, John and Judy called to tell me that their Youth Hostel in Eilat was bursting at the seams with eager Israeli hikers and could I come to help. This was an offer I could not refuse! Their Youth Hostel is at the southern end of the Israel Trail and they offer a free night to all those starting in Eilat. The Youth Hostel is called The Shelter and for decades it is known as a Messianic Center.

Rearranging my schedule was not difficult since we were coming out of a lockdown. So I drove the 300 miles to Eilat to help out for 5 days. They wanted me to be available to talk with these young enthusiasts about my adventures on the Israel Trail and more importantly, weaving in conversations about the Messiah Yeshua. Both of these points of conversation are my favorites and I was able to do a lot of this when I was in Eilat.

Of course, I had to go out on the Israel Trail for a two-day hike. Out there in the field I met up with several of the people who I had spoken with at The Shelter. Everybody’s comments were: “Efraim, how did you get here?” They couldn’t believe that I had hiked for two days in the desert. Hopefully some of them will remember the testimony of hospitality that they received at The Shelter and the witness of the love of Yeshua.

Dov's New Book is Now Available!

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Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.