Blessing Israeli Believers – May 2024


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Updates from our partners in the Holy Land:

Pastor Oded Shoshani, Melech Hamlachim, King of Kings Jerusalem

The Reality of War
Just over a week ago, we witnessed again the God of Israel protecting His people, despite our actions. A historic air attack from Iran, which included over 300 missiles, drones, and cruise missiles was stopped by the IDF and the military coalition led by the United States, intercepting 99% of the threats. That was a great miracle, and we give God the glory!

The daily reality of war keeps us busy. We continue to pray together for the situation every morning. We have soldiers in the field, reservists called back to duty, and families in need of help. We thank the Lord that among the members of our congregation no one was killed and there were no serious physical injuries. At the same time, many are dealing with mental and physical trauma and various struggles. The effects of the war are becoming evident. Join us in prayer for protection, restoration, endurance, and hope for all.

We wish you a blessed year with Yeshua, the Lamb of God, the Passover Lamb!

Oded & Sandy Shoshani

Ezra & Shulamite, Golan Heights
Misha was blessed to lead his first Passover Seder since immigrating to Israel. It was a great time showing Messiah in the celebration. There were a few seekers in attendance as well as a few of our young soldiers home for the Holiday. Many of them are being called to Gaza so please keep them in your prayers.

Blessings Israeli Believers enabled us to continue to feed soldiers in the field. They are always amazed to hear that Christians in America are praying for them and blessing them with hot meals. We want to thank all of you on their behalf and pray you will continue to pray for our leadership here in Israel.

Praise & Prayer
Thank you for all your prayers that cover us during this difficult time. The night Iran attacked Israel a missile from their proxy, Hezbollah in Lebanon fired a rocket into our town. It landed just a 2 minute walk from our home. Thank God it rained the night before as the rocket sank into the mud, uprooted a tree which blocked all the shrapnel from causing any damage or harm. Prayers make a difference.
1. Pray for the release of the hostages
2. Pray for the young soldiers from our Fellowship

All for His Names Sake, Ezra & Shulamite

Ima’s Goodies – Located everywhere they are needed in the Land!

This small group of solders represents a unit of about 80 young men and women who are serving In Judea/Samaria area. With so much happening on our Northern and Southern border, it's easy to forget that every day in the Judea/Samaria area there are terrorist attacks and killings. These wonderful soldiers work day and night to help keep the Peace, they are always so excited to see me when I come. We were able to share with them some wonderful bags of snacks, goodies, marshmallows and drinks. It takes a lot of "Ima's Goodies" to help keep these soldiers alert.

The Gentleman in this photo is actually the cook at one of the bases where we visit a lot. He and his wife and family, live in an area of the land that is somewhat dangerous after certain hours and the soldiers are on patrol a lot in his area. He and his wife have started a little hub type of place where these soldiers can come in the late hours and have a quick snack, or a fast bite to eat, maybe grab a cup of coffee or a cold coca cola. I have been to visit them several times late at night and I usually bring some of IG Cookies and Brownies for him to share with our soldiers. His name is Eitan, which means Strong. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

Thank you for blessing us so we can bless them. Thank you for praying, loving and serving us as we serve the IDF Soldiers and the Nation of Israel. We speak SHALOM over you and your families during this time.

With Love, Ima (Mom)

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA

Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
The funds contributed are administered under the complete discretion and control of the Board of Directors.

Blessing Israeli Believers – April 2024


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Passover ~ Resurrection Greetings!
Passover 2024 begins the evening of April 22

Dear BIB Friends and Partners,

This year Passover came weeks after the traditional Christian Resurrection celebration. However, we know that our risen Savior Yeshua is the Lamb of God and that He rose during the Passover Unleavened Bread Holiday on another Biblical Holiday called First-fruits. May we never forget that the Lamb’s blood has provided eternal life for any Jew or Gentile who will apply the blood of the Lamb to the doorpost of their hearts.

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! John 1:29

But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 1 Corinthians 15:20

Also, may we not forget how important this Passover is for Israel during this critical wartime. Truly, one of the best ways to bless Israel is to bless Israeli believers in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) the Passover Lamb. Chag Pesach Sameach—Happy Passover Holiday!

Dov Schwarz

An interview with Pastor Oded Shoshani, King of Kings Jerusalem

I'm thankful and grateful for your long-term support in prayer and in deeds. As you know, we’re in the middle of war, a war that seems to be of no end, not in the near future.

I was a child when the six-day war started in June 1967. I was a teenager at the Yom Kippur War, which was October 1973 and now I'm a grandfather at this war. So I have some perspective, though this war is definitely very, very clearly a bad war for us.

When the war erupted, the army mobilized hundreds of thousands of Israelis into battle and lo and behold, we didn't have enough equipment for everybody, and a lot of donors from around the world,

a lot of them were Christians who love Israel, donated to clothing, donated all kinds of equipment that allowed many of the units to go into battle better equipped. So that’s on the physical level.

There's another aspect of it, of the spiritual level, and this one is a more profound one. On October 7th, I called the people of our congregation to prayer because, we knew something was going on. We knew something was going on in a big scale, but we didn't know how big and how bad it was.

We called the people for prayer and we spent an hour in prayer, and while we were praying, everybody was using their phones to find out more update information, by the time we finished an hour, we realized, this is serious stuff. I didn’t have to say anything, let's meet tomorrow morning. So we are meeting every morning, including the weekends for prayer. But as we prayed, slowly we could see better spiritually as we were praying. We first were praying for the army, for the forces, for the Messianic soldiers, for a lot of real needs.

But as we were praying, we realized we knew it was true. But this time it was like blinking signs saying, this is a spiritual warfare. What is at stake is not the people of Israel, but it’s the God of Israel. It's the name of the God of Israel, and Islam is challenging the glory and the power and the uniqueness of the God of Israel. Well as I said, the war caught the entire country unprepared. So a lot of our men were called in to the Army October 7th or October 8th, but a lot of them were called, most of them spent at least three months in active duty. Some of them were in combat units, some of them were in supporting units, but still not able to get on a leave, you know, to get some time with their families.

The wives were in dire straits. One wife, especially in particular, lived outside of Jerusalem and she had no car. She had no means for any transportation. We mobilized people voluntarily to deliver food. There were other families that getting food was okay, they could do online shopping.

But the mothers, especially the mothers, they had their hands full caring for their families alone in the midst of this war. So we actually used some of the funds donated by BIB to provide some childcare and house cleaning for these mothers so they can have a bit of breath in the midst of this tense situation.

So, summarizing what I’ve said, it’s not only that you are praying for the people of Israel, which is a good thing, it's a good thing to pray for the people of Israel. It is the final call of God on the world. The people of Israel are back in the land. But you also have to realize this is a challenge on the uniqueness of the God of Israel over the entire globe. So when you pray for Israel, when you support Israel, when you support the believers in the land of Israel, you're not just doing what the scripture tells you to do but you're also supporting God, the name of God and the reputation of the God of Israel, the uniqueness of the God of Israel, and the challenge that has been given all over the world, including the western world of who God really is.

We can talk about the United States and moral issues, we can talk about Europe, etc., but remember this, this is not just a physical support of the people of Israel. This is a spiritual support of the glory of the God of Israel.

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA

Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
The funds contributed are administered under the complete discretion and control of the Board of Directors.

Blessing Israeli Believers – March 2024


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

A Note from BIB Co-Founder Dov Schwarz

This Season of Purim and this Generation!
March 23 - 24, 2024
The holiday Purim pertains to lots or dice that were used in the book of Esther. Wicked Haman had manipulated the King of Persia to sign off on a law to destroy the Jews across the Persian Kingdom. Haman determined the date to kill the Jews by casting purim.

Thankfully, the LORD raised up two lowly and unknown Jewish people (Mordecai and Esther) who lived in Persia as a result of the Babylonian captivity that took place about a hundred years earlier. Persia conquered Babylon setting the stage for the book of Esther.

The LORD had raised up Esther from obscurity to become the King’s wife—Queen Esther. She had not told the King she was Jewish and was deciding if she should reveal her identity and intercede for her people who were about to be annihilated. Her older cousin Mordecai who had raised her from orphaned childhood said these words that are so very relevant for we who follow the Holy One of Israel Messiah Jesus:

“And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:13-14

Esther responded by calling the Jewish people in Persia to a three day fast with prayers. The LORD, whose hand you see though He is not mentioned, moved powerfully to bring deliverance for the Jewish people and great destruction upon Haman and his whole house!

The take away for all disciples of Israel’s Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) should be obvious. The same Haman spirit that infected Persia then has done so today! The radical and vicious Jew hating Iranian (Persian) leaders are dead set on Israel’s total destruction. Their evil henchmen Hamas and Hezbollah are at war today with Israel. They with much of the world today are set on Israel’s destruction just like in Esther’s time.

Now is our time as Kingdom disciples of Messiah to be like Mordecai and Esther! Now is the time to fast, pray, and more than ever stand with Israel. Many of our Israeli brothers and sisters in Messiah have been personally touched with the sorrow of these times in Israel. Some are even fighting in

Gaza and preparing for war in Lebanon. Truly we have learned that one of the best ways to bless Israel is by Blessing Israeli Believers in Messiah Yeshua!

Update from Ezra in the Golan Heights

Dear Blessing Israeli Believers,

We are blessed to live and minister in the Golan Heights and are thankful for all the troops stationed on Israel’s northern border. Mount Hermon is covered with snow which has closed all the roads except from military vehicles.

Through our contacts we arrange for the soldiers to order food, come down the mountain and meet us in our town to receive special meals to thank and encourage them.

The tank unit we have been feeding asked if we could supply each soldier of their company with a Leatherman multitool. These tools are greatly needed to clean their weapons, work on their tanks and other situations they face daily.

Praise & Prayer

Thank you for supporting the different programs during this difficult time here in Israel.

• Pray for the release of the hostages and for their families
• Pray for the 10 young soldiers from our Fellowship
• Pray for the LORD to continue to add to the church
• Pray for more opportunities to bless and encourage the troops
• Pray for my complete recovery from hip replacement surgery.

All for His Name’s Sake,
Ezra & Shulamite
Numbers 6:24-26

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA

Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
The funds contributed are administered under the complete discretion and control of the Board of Directors.

Blessing Israeli Believers – February 2024


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

A Note from BIB Co-Founder, Dov Schwarz

Dear Blessing Israeli Believers Partners and Friends,

An old saying may accurately define the upcoming weeks and months for Israel and the entire world: “you ain’t seen nothin yet!” It would appear, like so many have been warning, that this Hamas war is widening far beyond Gaza. The entire Mid-East is erupting in our days—and it is just the beginning.

According to the Prophetic Scriptures either now or in the near future this war will develop into that which is prophesied in Psalm 83, Isaiah 17:1, Zephaniah 2 amongst other places in the Bible. Israel is the epicenter but the entire world will shake when this war does take place. At the time of writing this letter I am getting first-hand information from Jerusalem and Northern Israel.

All Israelis are being instructed to prepare for a national power outage due to the imminent war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Whenever this takes place—sooner or later—it will be very serious and will include many casualties on both sides. There could be no more important time to stand with our Israeli Believing Partners! Always remember:

“Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121:4

Thank You so much for your ongoing and faithful support—they tell us in Israel that you cannot imagine how thankful they are for your prayers and financial help!

In His Service, Dov Schwarz

An Update from Dov Bikas, Aviv Ministry Center, Tel Aviv Israel

Ashkelon Ministry – the “Day After”

These days Israeli politicians, among other things, wrestle with the question of the “day after the war” – how it is going to look like and what decisions should be made about it. In a similar way, we too are thinking about the “day after,” which in the case of our war relief efforts in Ashkelon, has already arrived. The war continues, but the rocket attacks on the city have become very rare, and Ashkelon is returning to a more or less normal life. What should we do next then?

Thanks to God and to your donations, during these three months we have been able to help a lot of people (about 800 families) and to build close relationships with them. On the one hand, we could finish the project now and say good-bye to everyone, but on the other hand, we value these connections and do not want to lose them. Besides, most of these people are immigrants, single mothers, the elderly and the disabled who live below the poverty line and, sadly, in the near future their financial situation is about to get worse, since because of the war we are expecting the prices and taxes to keep rising.

Therefore, we have decided that in 2024 we will be turning our short-term war relief initiative into an ongoing humanitarian project. This work is not cheap and requires a lot of effort, but it also has many advantages. For example, when you give someone a tract on the street, there is very little chance that you will ever meet this person again. And here we have a large group of people we can visit on a regular basis, bring them food and keep sharing the Gospel with them. And we do believe this work has a beautiful potential. In Ofakim – another nearby city where we have been doing food distributions – a weekly Bible study group has already been created. Please pray for all the people we are in touch with both in Ashkelon and Ofakim.

"Should I preach if no one is listening?”

One of our volunteers, Leonid, shared what happened once during his shift in Aviv Center.

His group was feeding the visitors, as usual. Then Leonid sat down with them and tried to preach (sadly, due to the effects of drugs, it is difficult for many visitors to focus on the Word). He took the topic of prayer.

“I look around,” says Leonid, “and see that nobody is listening to me. Well, not even one! Should I stop? But something in me prompts: ‘Speak!’ And I kept talking on how important prayer is for us, for our relationship with the Lord... And again, I see the same: no one is listening. And I am still urged – ‘Continue’! So I did...And suddenly a guy’s head rises from the table (I thought he was fast asleep beside his plate) and I hear:

‘Leonid, I am actually listening to you...’

‘Thank God!’ I said. ‘One person has heard me!’

And from that day on, the visitors themselves have been asking: ‘Will we have a Bible lesson today?’”

Let us pray that the Lord would give us boldness in the most hopeless (in our opinion) circumstances to share His Word!

Thank you very much for all your prayers and care!

Every blessing to you all, Dov & Olga Bikas

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers – January 2024


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

“Happy New Year 2024!”

A Note from BIB Co-Founder Dov Schwarz

Dear Blessing Israeli Believers Brothers and Sisters in Messiah,

Truly, a different kind of year is upon us. The Fig Tree Israel is the center of all the signs that are converging upon this generation like never before! Biblical war scenarios involving Israel are developing right in front of our eyes. A series of Biblical wars, like links of a chain are leading up to the Second Coming of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) when we who are born again will return with Him from heaven (Revelation 19).

The first of those links can be found in Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, Obadiah 1, and other places in Scripture. In these passages we find ancient regional enemies of Israel, like a once dormant volcano, that has fired back up, and is now today’s news. Gaza and Lebanon where Hezbollah is today, Damascus, Syria, and others including but not limited to—Jordan and Egypt and later Iran are on the near prophetic horizon.

Now more than ever is the best time to Bless Israeli Believers in Messiah Yeshua. Our dear Israeli partners have their closest relatives, along with their Messianic family, in harms way at this moment. I am more thankful than ever to be working with those who are getting out His gospel, making disciples, and helping so many with urgent humanitarian needs and services during this critical time!

I want to join them in saying THANK YOU to all who are partnering with us at Blessing Israeli Believers!

Dear Blessing Israeli Believers,

Shalom! We want to say thank you for your generous donations in 2023. We are so grateful for your continued partnership with us, especially at this difficult time in Israel. May Yeshua bless you for being a blessing to His people and nation.

Again, please know our sincere appreciation for your sacrificial giving to Tree of Life and the prayers you are lifting up on behalf of the work we are doing in Israel.

With blessings,
Ariel & Shayla and the Tree of Life Team

Dear Blessing Israeli Believers Friends!

We appreciate your continual prayers and support. It means a lot to know that you stand with us during this time of war and trauma that our nation goes through. We have a great God who is faithful to His promises.

In the midst of it all, life goes on. With your support, we assisted financially two women with children, both recently went through ugly divorces, through no fault of their own. As a result, they found themselves in a difficult financial situation. Join us in prayer for these women as they walk this painful journey, that the Lord will provide every need, bring comfort, and redeem what was lost.

Thank you for partnering and praying with us in this trying time. We do what we can to help. We also continue by God's grace to stand in faith and intercede for our nation, congregations, families, soldiers, and the many other needs that arise. May we all walk in the good works which God prepared for us beforehand (Ephesians 2:10) and may the Lord be glorified in all.

Warm greetings,
Oded & Sandy Shoshani
Melech Hamlachim, King of Kings, Messianic Congregation, Jerusalem

Dear Friends,
It’s hard to believe that the year has gone by and we are now on the precipice of a New Year of 2024. This last year of 2023 has brought about many changes here in the land of Israel, many of which we never thought we would experience or live through.

As I look back on this year with all that has happened and continues to happen I stand in faith that GOD is STILL on HIS THRONE. He is still faithful, my heart hurts every morning with the news of more of our Israeli soldiers dying from enemy attacks and more grieving families. I say like so many others... How long O Lord? (Psalms 94:3).. how long shall the wicked triumph, how long shall they speak hard things and boast?... how long will they inflict YOUR heritage?.... and as we read this chapter we come to verse 14... ohh what a promise from Adonai (the Lord)... "FOR the LORD will not cast off HIS people neither will He forsake HIS PEOPLE"... as we continue the days of struggle, war, fighting and despair... we are revived by this promise.. HE will NOT FORSAKE HIS PEOPLE... So as I travel to the soldiers to bring them love, encouragement, Ima's Goodies and hope, I also bring them these words of comfort.

Thank You for your support this last year, we could not have made the impact on our soldiers with the goodness of God without your help. I pray that you will continue to stand with us throughout this coming year.

Ima's Goodies

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers – December 2023


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Update from Ariel & Shayla, Tree of Life, Israel

Yael contacted us, and as our team member Kim answered her questions, Yael began to open up and share how broken she is. Yael is 29 and grew up in a completely dysfunctional family. She suffered abuse over and over, and ultimately both her parents left her and her two younger siblings.

Yael was stirred with deep emotions about the war: “How could God allow such evil things to happen to us?”. The conversation went into deep topics like free will, sin, and the Gospel, and God opened up Yael’s eyes to see His love and compassion even in the midst of suffering.

Yael poured out her heart, “Ever since I met you and have been speaking with you, I’ve felt that there’s something right and true here. I never felt that as I was growing up as a traditional Jew. And I want what you have.”

But still, she felt that because she’s had such a sinful lifestyle – she’s not worthy of God. Kim comforted her with the words of Jesus himself:

“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance”
(Luke 5:31b-32)

Yael responded, “So what do I need to do?” They answered that all she has to do is repent of her sins, commit her life to Yeshua, and receive him as Lord.

Yael was just about to start to pray, but then suddenly there was a huge rush of wind and noise, since a helicopter was hovering over them. So Yael started shouting out her prayer, confessing her sins and crying out, “Yeshua, please forgive me and come into my life.” She even forgave her parents, and started to weep. She said, “I feel totally different now.” For the first time, she was set free from all the bitterness and guilt and shame. Praise God!

Yael and Kim are continuing their connection as she begins her discipleship journey, and Kim was so glad to hear Yael say, “I want Yeshua more than anything or anyone else in my life. I just want to come and be filled with God.”

Update from Ima’s Goodies

Swords of Iron
These past six weeks we have experienced every emotion available to mankind. The amount of threats against Israel and the 242 hostages are constantly on our minds. The state of Israel was drawn into a war on our Gaza border and now fighting has been going on with our northern border with Lebanon. Those of us that live in the middle of the country are feeling it from both sides.

The amount of sirens and booms felt in the land has been horrendous...and yet we read all throughout Scripture... "Hodu L'Adonai Ki Tov- Give thanks to the Lord for He is good". It is so hard to see this now at the present, with my eyes on what is going on around and YET in my spirit, deep down in my Kishkes (inner being) I KNOW this to be true. We are bombarded every day with the knowledge of the loss of lives and what seems to be like the hopelessness of those around us…yet this is where we come in and bring the Love of Yeshua to so many. We are not just talking soldiers, but we are also sharing with so many around us. Everyone knows someone that is fighting, or families, besides the hostages that have lost loved ones. We are learning to mourn with those who mourn and listening to those who have a story to share.

Wonder what we are doing? or where we are going? Someday’s I am so crazy busy that I myself wonder how I will get this all done. So many people from our congregation and friends have stepped up and come together to help so we can take care of our soldiers. I have never in my life bought so many t-shirts, underwear, cup of noodles, or granola bars, not to mention Coco-Cola and other drinks.

In living in this land for 40 years I have never felt such a clearer understanding of my call to Israel, I am honoured that God would allow me to live during this time in this land and serve Him here.

A Word of Praise & Prayer from Ezra, Golan Heights

Through Blessing Israeli Believers generous donation we continue to distribute our monthly food program for Holocaust Survivors/Veterans. We were also able to financially come alongside a couple in Ashkelon whose home was damaged by a missile from Gaza.

Please continue to pray for Israel and for our team that prepares and delivers meals to soldiers. Wisdom for our political & military leaders as they move forward to free the remaining hostages & eliminate the threat of Hamas.

We are entering week 9 of Swords of Iron war with Hamas in the Gaza strip. By the grace of God many hostages are returning to Israel. As difficult as this time has been it has softened the hearts of the people towards the God of Israel.

It has been a blessing to encourage our troops on the northern border feeding, and fellowshipping with them. Including those suffering with PTSD from the battle, and male and female troops rotating from the battle including young adults from our Fellowship. A member of our Kehilah, a professional masseur, even went on a local base and offered free massages.

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

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Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
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Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers November 2023


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

A Note from Blessing Israeli Believers Co-Founder Dov Schwarz

Dear BIB Friends and Partners,
First, I want to thank so many who have contacted me to inquire of my well-being as my last letter shared plans for my October 8-20 Israel trip. Of course, you received the letter well after my planned departure. Yet, I wanted to send an update for everyone who receives this letter.

My wife and I were awakened at 3:38am October 7 by friends in Jerusalem who are a brother and sister in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). They were in their bomb shelter informing us of the Hamas attack. Long story short—due to complications of my plane flight I was not able to take my trip. Thankfully, before sunrise that morning in Texas—here is the word the LORD gave me to stand upon and you can stand on it with me!

So instead, after praying about what to do, I went into my studio late that Sunday evening October 8 and recorded an urgent TV program explaining this war from its Biblical perspective. I encourage you to watch it on my Youtube channel Watch Therefore. It is called “Israel At War.”

In the midst of the legitimate Israeli response to the Hamas massacre to protect the Israeli Land and people I also thought it important to share in this letter very important information that you may have never heard—from the perspective of a Jew who also believes in Messiah Yeshua. It is absolutely necessary for Israel to destroy Hamas and there are historical truths that are still with us today—even more so!

Some may be asking why the world is exploding with anti-semitism while Israel is simply fighting back after being viciously attacked in the most barbaric manner. Here is the reason and please remember this in the days ahead. Here are two primary principles:

1. Many in the world support or at least tolerate the Jews while their bodies are stacking up in times of anti-semitic attacks. But when “those Jews” fight back and could even actually defeat their enemies—the world that is under the sway of the wicked one (1 John 5:19) goes hysterically mad! This is so important to realize because unlike so many other times—this time Israel cannot and will not allow Hamas to remain in Gaza.

2. Any spirit that denies the Father or the Son Messiah Yeshua is a spirit of anti-christ (1 John 2:22). Islam and the Quran tells its followers that allah is god and allah has no sons. Islam at its core is anti-christ and that spirit of anti-christ is enveloping the earth right now! And guess what else—that spirit hates you as a disciple of Christ Jesus as much as it hates the Jews.

Thankfully, He who keeps Israel neither slumbers or sleeps and He also will never leave or forsake those in Messiah Jesus!

In His Service, Dov Schwarz

An Update from Ariel & Shayla, Tree of Life Israel
Israeli Soldier Bombarded with Mortars, but Blown Away by Jesus

David contacted us from the battlefield on the tense border with Gaza, “I’m getting bombarded with mortars as we speak!” he said to our team member, Daniel. “I hope I will make it out alive.”

David is 28 years old, single and secular from Tel Aviv. He used to define himself as a “complete atheist,” but lately he began a spiritual journey – he delved into Orthodox Judaism and even Buddhism. He was also bouncing between our evangelistic videos and the counter-missionary videos of others until one day, on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), he declared to himself, “It’s either Yeshua or atheism!” David asked God for a definitive sign whether Jesus, Yeshua, is the Life and the Truth. He opened the New Testament and began reading the Gospels of Matthew and Mark.

“When I finished reading Matthew, I felt full of peace and joy,” David exclaimed. “I felt that same force pull all the anxiety and pain out of my body and felt a complete calm that I had never felt before! After reading Mark, I know Yeshua is the Messiah.” David decided to confess Yeshua as Lord and Savior, then he said excitedly, “I feel like I’m part of the team now! But I still need to be baptized.”

After the October 7th massacre, David was called up for reserve duty in a combat paratrooper unit. There, on the border, he contacted Daniel with his concerns. He was surrounded by religious Jewish soldiers praying from the traditional prayer books, wearing the prayer garments, and phylacteries (boxes with texts from the Hebrew Bible in them). David was anxious, “I’m worried that believing in Yeshua would be a betrayal to my people. I’m afraid that I would be cutting myself off from the nation by following Yeshua.”

Once again, David asked God for a sign to affirm and embolden his belief. What happened in response is a testament to God’s faithfulness to act in mysterious and beautiful ways. Out of nowhere, a family member on the other side of the planet who never talks about God, suddenly reached out, saying, “David, just to let you know, I’m praying to God and Jesus to help you. ”Upon hearing this, Daniel exclaimed, “That’s the sign, man, the one you asked for!”

David wants to spread the Gospel so all our people will know our Messiah. In fact, he’s been sharing about Yeshua there in the army. He shared Isaiah 53 with his Orthodox Jewish friend, and his friend couldn’t refute his point that this is about Yeshua.

In the midst of the war, David (like King David) proclaimed, “I’m trusting in God, that He will keep me alive so I can continue to study the Bible.”

Amen! Let us pray in agreement for David for protection, for growth in his faith, and that he would be a light in the midst of the darkness he’s facing.

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

Receive a complimentary copy as a thank you with your generous gift of any amount.

Please be sure to note "WTBR Today" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

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Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
Now on CTN, NRB-TV, and Inspiration TV
Check Cable, Satellite & Local Listings for days & times


Also find us on social media:

Listen on the GO with audio Programs from SoundCloud!

Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers October 2023


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

UPDATE to this letter: This letter was written before the war in Israel began. Due to flight complications, much prayer, and other variables I decided it was best to cancel my trip for now.

I am in ongoing discussions and prayers with our BIB partners all over Israel. Some of whom have sons and daughters who are IDF soldiers in harm’s way. We continue to pray and stand with them and all of Israel at this critical hour.

For some context regarding this war you can look at this YouTube teaching from my program Watch Therefore

Grace and Peace in Messiah Yeshua,

A Note From Co-Founder Dov Schwarz
BIB Israeli Partners TV Recording Trip!

As you are reading this letter I am in Israel! My trip dates are October 8-20 and I will be meeting with some of our Israeli Believing Partners to record special TV programs with the intention to share with our viewers the exciting things the Lord is doing through our partners in the Promised Land!

My time in Israel with our BIB partners begins in the Golan Heights meeting with Ezra who is doing many good gospel works and also reaching out with humanitarian aid for believers and pre-believers in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). He and his wife Shulamite have been one of our longest BIB partners and they are a real blessing to many including us!

During this part of my trip I will be staying at the Sea of Galilee very close to the home my family and I lived in during our time in Israel. I am also recording teachings by the Sea of Galilee to be aired on our Watch Therefore TV program - stay tuned! What a special place this is in our Lord’s creation.

Next, I am going to Haifa where I will also be recording TV programs with a very special teaching in mind. Our Bibles speak of the time when the LORD (Yehovah) would bring back the Jewish people from the nations of the world to their Promised Land. Many of them came from the nations and landed right at Haifa Bay. I will be there with stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea where boatloads of Jewish people came fulfilling thousands of years of Bible Prophecy!

Then, I am off to Jerusalem, the City of our Great King, to meet with three more of our BIB partners. One has a ministry in Tel Aviv to drug addicts and others who are down and out. We will be meeting near Jerusalem to do some recording for our TV programs. His name is Dov Bikas and what a special servant of the Most High God Messiah Jesus! On previous trips, we recorded programs with him that were very well received.

And also, I plan to meet with Oded and Sandy Shoshani. Oded is the pastor of Melech Hamlachim (King of kings) Messianic Congregation in Jerusalem. His wife Sandy is the director of Bead Chaim (Pro-Life) in Israel. They both have such a powerful testimony and work in the Holy Land! Lord willing, we will record important TV programs and have a special time of prayer with them and all our partners we meet with in the Land! Also, I plan to record teachings in Jerusalem that will air on Watch Therefore TV as well.

Here are a few Bible verses that sum up our intentions for this trip. And guess what? You can still participate in this holy trip to the Holy Land. Please consider praying and financially supporting this work which you can do right after reading this letter!

“Comfort, yes, comfort My people!”
Says your God.
“Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her,
That her warfare is ended,
That her iniquity is pardoned;
For she has received from the Lord’s hand
Double for all her sins.” Isaiah 40:1-2

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” Romans 1:16
Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel
is that they may be saved. Romans 10:1

Update from Ezra & Shulamite,
Golan Heights

We were able to be used by God through donations from Blessing Israeli Believers to keep the electricity on during this extremely hot summer for a family of 5.

Tatyana has 4 children and is a new immigrant facing all the challenges of learning a new language and culture while trying to provide for her family.

Our food program is also still being used to assist the poor and the elderly here in Israel. We write this update to convey with you all God is accomplishing and to thank you for all your prayers and support.

A Special Note and Thank You from Ima’s Goodies

Many times as I pull up to the base I need to explain again who we are and what we do! Sometimes the destination is in the middle of nowhere. It is hard to believe that there could be places like this in our small country. I usually imagine that the young man on duty in front wonders how I managed to get there! Then, when I assure them that I came just for them, they’re excited to see what kind of “goodies” I have for them. It never fails they are always surprised that my team and I would come specifically to them and pass off some “lovin-from-the-oven”! Thank you for giving and helping us with this support of our soldiers.

Ima’s Goodies has been bringing love and special baked treats and snacks to IDF soldiers since 2014! Each soldier has put their life on hold to specifically answer the call of their nation of Israel at this time, whether it’s for a few years or a bit longer. To know that we can sleep in bed at night, free of thoughts or worry towards the enemy because they are on duty. Somehow in the midst of all that they go through they give new meaning to the words: “AM YISRAEL CHAI – The NATION of ISRAEL LIVES”

Recently our dear friends, Renee’ and her husband Gidon of Ima’s Goodies, have been experiencing a wave of physical medical needs and Blessing Israeli Believers has come alongside them to help. Below is a thank you note received from Renee’.

Thank you to those of you who have been praying for us and especially for my husband Gidon in these night seasons. Thank you to those who have given already, we so appreciate this. As we are here in Israel we pray blessings upon you and your families and your business’s, may they prosper as you have given to us as we help to further the Kingdom here in this land.

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

Receive a complimentary copy as a thank you with your generous gift of any amount.

Please be sure to note "WTBR Today" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

Click Here to donate!


Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
Now on CTN, NRB-TV, and Inspiration TV
Check Cable, Satellite & Local Listings for days & times


Also find us on social media:

Listen on the GO with audio Programs from SoundCloud!

Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers September 2023


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Chag Sameach!
- Happy Holidays!

A Note from Dov Schwarz, Co-Founder

Once again, the High Holidays are upon us. These Holy Days (Hagim) are called the Modedim (appointed times) in the Bible. They were appointed times on the LORD’s calendar for the children of Israel to meet with Him. Oftentimes the three primary Festivals or Feasts are combined into one called in English the Feast of Tabernacles which is also the third and final Feast.

A clear introduction and explanation of these Fall Festivals is in Leviticus 23. I will briefly name each and its prophetic fulfillment:

Yom Teruah - Day of Blowing Trumpets, September 16, 2023 (traditionally and not Biblically called Rosh Hashanah) It is fulfilled in the Rapture of Jew and Gentile in the Church. (Leviticus 23:23-25, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)

Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement, September 25, 2023 is fulfilled at the Second Coming of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) as He finally cleanses Israel from their sin and ushers in the Messianic Age! (Leviticus 23:26-32, Romans 11:25-27)

Feast of Tabernacles – Booths, September 30 to October 6, 2023 is fulfilled by King Yeshua sitting on the throne of David in Jerusalem in His glorious new temple as He tabernacles (dwells) with us. (Leviticus 23:33-43, Zechariah 14:16-21)

May this special appointed time of the year remind us to watch and prepare for the coming of our great King and Savior Yeshua. Until then we can remember that one of the best ways to bless Israel is to bless Israeli Believers in Messiah Yeshua!

Update from Ariel & Shayla, Tree of Life – Israel

There are so many Israelis turning to Jesus, Yeshua, and choosing life recently, that we sensed we need to share these encouraging stories with you.

Micah was one of the last people you could ever imagine would come to faith in Jesus. Our team member Eliel has known him since ninth grade.

A few months ago, Eliel met Micah in the park where they used to hang out together 25 years ago, Micah didn’t look good at all, he had become a drug addict for many years.

Eliel approached him and started a conversation with him about life and shared how even though he also had been an addict he was radically transformed since Yeshua entered his life. From that day on Eliel began praying for Micah regularly.

One day they met for coffee and spoke in more depth. Micha opened up about his struggles and shared that he’s been constantly tormented by demonic powers. He said “They attack me several times a day! I feel they’re choking me!” Over the years he had gotten involved in all sorts of evil spiritual experiences which opened the door to a spirit of death and many unclean spirits.

Micah tried six times to commit suicide but never succeeded, on his last suicide attempt the rope broke from the wall, then he drank half a bottle of toilet cleaner and fell into a coma, but still didn’t die. He shared, “I understood at that point that God wasn’t allowing me to die.”

What he didn’t know is that God wants him to live forever with Him. Eliel shared with him the Gospel of Life – that no matter how deep we are in darkness, there is hope and light in Yeshua the Messiah.

For Micah it was almost impossible to believe that God could change even his life. But he ultimately decided to pray and give his life to Yeshua and wanted to be baptized the following week.

On the same day, when he got home, he started to clean up his life, throwing away his satanic T-shirts and other items. But the war had just begun. The demonic forces started to attack him even more.

We, as a team, began praying for him and planned to meet with him before baptism and explain the Gospel in more depth to make sure that he is really fully committed to following Yeshua.

When we met with him, it was very clear that he needed deliverance from the demonic. As we started talking and praying with him, there was an intensive spiritual battle for quite some time. Then we sensed that he needed to ask God to forgive him for the specific evil spiritual experiences he had been involved in.

Up until that point, we had been leading him in prayer and he just repeated after us. But then something powerful happened. The floodgates of his heart burst open and he prayed such a beautiful, deep, sincere prayer of repentance for each thing. He cried out, “Yeshua, please forgive me! I’m so sorry I was involved in all that rubbish!”

He decided to go all in for Yeshua – that his old man would die and that he would be raised with Yeshua as a new creation. And God started an amazing work of deliverance in Micah. So we made our way to the beach and there the spiritual dirt was washed away as he’s began a new life in Messiah. Praise God for a new soul that’s entered the Kingdom of God!

Fields are ripe for the harvest

Of course, he’s just a baby in the faith now and has all sorts of spiritual and emotional baggage, so he needs lots of prayer! He’s started meeting with us for discipleship, and shared excitedly, “I had an experience where something was removed from my eyes and now my eyes are open to see Yeshua, so I want to honor Him and don’t want to go back to who I was!” We’d greatly appreciate your prayers that he’d be completely set free from all chains, grow strong in his new faith, walk in holiness, and become a fruitful witness for the Lord!

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

Receive a complimentary copy as a thank you with your generous gift of any amount.

Please be sure to note "WTBR Today" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

Click Here to donate!


Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
Now on CTN, NRB-TV, and Inspiration TV
Check Cable, Satellite & Local Listings for days & times


Also find us on social media:

Listen on the GO with audio Programs from SoundCloud!

Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Blessing Israeli Believers August 2023


Romans 15:26-27

P.O. Box 564 Pearland, TX 77588
Phone: 713-624-0943

What the LORD is doing...

Dear Blessing Israeli Believers friends and partners,

It is important to remember that the Bible jumped into modern times with the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy regarding the physical birth of Israel:

“Who has heard such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?
Or shall a nation be born at once?
For as soon as Zion was in labor,
She gave birth to her children.” Isaiah 66:8

Yet, the story is not over—to the contrary—the birth pains in the earth that brought Israel to a physical birth (World Wars 1 and 2) were just the beginning. Israel’s birth pains continue to trouble the world all around us today. They will lead to Israel’s salvation at the return of Israel’s Messiah Yeshua (Jesus)! Let’s see Isaiah continue in the next verse:

“Who has heard such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?
Or shall a nation be born at once?
For as soon as Zion was in labor,
She gave birth to her children.”
Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?”
says the LORD.” Isaiah 66:8-9

In other words, our LORD is telling us that He who brought Israel to the physical birth will also bring them to the spiritual birth in Messiah Yeshua! Until that day we know that one of the best ways to bless Israel is to bless Israeli Believers in Messiah Jesus—may His glorious name be praised!

Remember also, our Israeli believing partners are getting out the gospel, planting believing congregations, saving babies from abortion, helping Holocaust survivors, and much more, all in the great name of Israel’s Messiah Yeshua!

In Yeshua’s Name,
Dov Schwarz
Co-founder, Blessing Israeli Believers

An update from Ima’s Goodies!

Demonstrations: But God so loved us, that He demonstrated His love for us…by giving us a Savior and forgiveness of sins, which brought us Shalom/Peace.

These past few months have been literally crazy here in the land, I have never seen such inner turmoil and chaos as I have just recently. We have had crazy demonstrations, not rioting, but major demonstrations with thousands of people shouting and screaming into the night about the way the government wants to handle some judicial overturns and redo the judicial system. I know that God is in control, just seems literally like the country is imploding at the same time, that is why I am so thankful for the demonstration of God’s love towards us as a country and especially towards our soldiers.

At a time when our enemies lift their head and boast against us and our God we also have dissension within the ranks because of the reforms that the Government wants to do. Honestly, I cannot keep up with it all, but very thankful that God is our ever present help in THIS time of need. (and boy do we need Him at this time!) It is during these crazy moments that we are going out regularly to our Israeli soldiers with the message of Love and Hope. Our eyes are on the ONE who made heaven and earth, for HE alone is our Shalom/Peace.

Join us while we organize, bake and travel the land of Israel in search of these precious Israeli soldiers who are serving daily on the root lines of the battle.

Watch Therefore and Be Ready TODAY - 2nd Edition

Receive a complimentary copy as a thank you with your generous gift of any amount.

Please be sure to note "WTBR Today" in memo/note section of check or MO or in comment section for online donations.

Click Here to donate!


Don't forget: Watch Therefore Television Program
Now on CTN, NRB-TV, and Inspiration TV
Check Cable, Satellite & Local Listings for days & times


Also find us on social media:

Listen on the GO with audio Programs from SoundCloud!

Romans 15:26-27 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal (material) things.

Send your tax deductible gifts to:
Blessing Israeli Believers
PO Box 564, Pearland, TX 77588 USA
Phone: 713-624-0943
Email: [email protected]

Or donate online at:

Blessing Israeli Believers is a division of Watch Therefore Ministries, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.